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Film Critique Essay: Coach Carter

Essay Instructions:

I will attach the directions. Try to use at least 5 credible sources. There is a list of movies to choose from in the directions. Personally, I want the review to be on the film "Coach Carter" which is also on that list. Let me know if you have any questions.

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Film Critique: Coach Carter
Kin 68 - 01
Due Date
“We have a game tomorrow so get some rest tonight. Remember: ties and jackets tomorrow.” (Carter, 2005). This line sums up the eccentric type of coach Ken Carter is. The athletes are commonly seen in their sports uniforms especially during their competitions. But the Oilers basketball team is required to be different from the rest. They were expected to follow the unique set of rules of their coach, including wearing suits on game day. The rules of coach Ken Carter do not end with uniforms or gameplay alone. In this paper, the themes of change, prejudice, and transformational leadership will be discussed in relation to how it was portrayed in the film, Coach Carter, in addition to the implications towards the deeper issues of society such as poverty and racism.
Background of Coach Carter
Coach Carter is a 2005 American drama involving basketball. The movie is based on the true story of coach Ken Carter, played by Samuel L. Jackson. He is offered a job as the head coach of the Richmond Oilers basketball team, at his old school back during his high school years as a basketball athlete. At first, the offer seems like one that Ken Carter should not be doing but he sees something in the boys where he felt like he had to step in do the right thing, then this led to how coach Carter is able to influence the lives of the boys by teaching them more important things than shooting hoops. Basketball is a well-loved sport in many countries and one of the most important traits of each one should be having the discipline and being a team player. This seems to be common knowledge and is already expected when you are part of a basketball team, but in this case, coach Ken Carter was able to elevate what it means to be part of a basketball team by the way he treated the basketball team as one while acknowledging their individuality.
An Outdated Educational System
From the very start of the film, the Richmond high school boys’ immaturity and unruly behavior were already emphasized. When presenting the setting of the story and all those who are involved, it somehow paints hopelessness because the problem not only lies on the boys who are part of the team, but on the school, activities, and general environment that they are in. The film Coach Carter effectively showed how there is a lack in the will for change in Richmond because there were already expectations formed towards the students there. Instead of grooming the children to become the best versions of themselves by educating them about academics and also teaching them how to be good citizens of society, the students are just given the freedom to do whatever they want, and this is not always a good thing. There were also a lot of instances in the film where coach Carter talks to those in charge of the school, but he was met with nonchalance or even opposition despite having the best interests of the children at heart. This portrays the reality of the educational system that is present in a lot of places all over the globe where the educators fail in teaching and influencing their students to learn and live good lives. Coach Carter showed in the film how the parents and teachers are so used to the old educational system in the institution, that they are already blinded by the changes that need to be done in order to promote learning and improvement, especially on the part of the students. It calls for change because instead of letting the poor performing students have their own way of doing things, everyone in the system should be actively involved (Ho, 2020). The film was able to portray the harsh reality that sometimes it is the institution itself that is considered as a hindrance to the students from reaching their full potentials because of the lack of the educational system. Coach Carter prioritized education over basketball because of its long-term effects on the lives of his students, for them ...
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