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2 pages/≈550 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 7.2

Reflection. You will pick a short piece of music. Visual & Performing

Essay Instructions:

For this week's reflection, you will pick a short piece of music (2-4 minutes); it could be the same one you suggested for class on Tuesday or something else. Listen to the example two or three times, and produce at least 500 words (no more than 1000) of focused freewriting reflecting in detail on what you hear and what your experience of the music is like. Remember, your goal in freewriting is to write swiftly and continuously on the topic: spelling, organization, grammar, and complete sentences are all optional (although you still need to express yourself as clearly as possible).

Then, look back over your freewriting and from it come up with a brief thesis statement (an argument about how you hear part or all of the music) and at least three points of musical evidence that could support your hearing and help another listener experience that music in the same way. Your thesis statement and supporting evidence should be complete sentences.

You will turn in both your freewriting and your argument (thesis + evidence). Don't forget to tell me what music you're listening to (and include a link if it's obscure).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

To love somebody – by the Bee Gees - /watch?v=QHtGu0OGEpc
First of all, the Bee Gees are some of the oldest and most respected people in the world of music. Any person who knows music knows that this group was greatly talented and one of the best Australian groups in the 60s and 70s.
Their song To Love Somebody is one that has a slow tempo and invites the listener to slow dance. Unlike today’s music, everything sounds like its alive and not software-generated. One can hear and feel the piano, for example. The beats as well do not seem influenced or generated from a computer tool. They feel raw and real.
While listening to the song, several things stood out. The first one is the rhythm of the song. Every singer in the world knows that without rhythm, one cannot make a good song. Rhythm is the thing that keeps a song together and ensures that it is worthy to be listened to. The Bee Gees song is quite catchy and because of its rhythm, the song continues to play in the mind of a listener long after it has ended. After listening to the song two or three times, I found myself humming or singing some lines because it was stuck in my mind.
Another thing that I noticed while listening to the song is its verse and chorus structure. The song has two verses with the first coming after the first few seconds of the song. The chorus follows then the second verse after which there is a repetition of the chorus. This...
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