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Visual & Performing Arts
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Music. Percussion Concerto. Visual & Performing Arts Essay

Essay Instructions:

With this assignment, we’ll practice some of the vocabulary we’ve studied in our first classes, while also preparing a bit for the first SBSO concert (which you’re required to attend for your first Concert Report). The assignment will focus on a piece by a contemporary composer named Chen Yi. She was born and raised in China, and received her training first in China, and then in the United States. She now teaches at the University of Missouri Kansas City.

The piece we’ll be listening to is called Percussion Concerto. It was written for a famous percussionist named Evelyn Glennie, and it first performed in Singapore in 1998. At the Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra Concert on October 6, 2018, it will be played by Sun Yi, a doctoral student in percussion here at Stony Brook. It’s a very difficult work, and Mr. Sun had to win a competition in order to have the opportunity to perform it here.

Details and Requirements

Below, you’ll find a list of some of the terms we’ve discussed in our first classes. Look these over. Then, keeping them in mind, watch the video provided with the assignment on Blackboard. This is a performance of the same work (Chen Yi’s Percussion Concerto) played by another percussionist, Jingli Zhang.

If, for some reason, you can’t play the video via Blackboard, you can likely find it on YouTube here: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=LOl74Fq7Iek

Your assignment is to write a 400-word response to this performance.

To begin, please briefly describe your overall impressions of the music and the performance. How does the music strike you? How might you describe its style or character? Do you think it seems to express any particular emotions, images, or ideas? What about the performers, especially the soloist? How might you characterize what you see and hear them doing?

Then, please address at least two of the following points:

Rhythm and Meter: How do the rhythm and meter sound to you? Can you count out the big beats and little beats for any parts of the piece? Do you notice an changes in tempo that you find interesting? What about accents, or syncopations?

Dynamics and Timbre: How would you describe the dynamics, and the ways they change at different moments in the movement? Do you hear any crescendos or decrescendos that stand out to you? Do any of the timbres or tone colors from the orchestra or the piano strike you as particularly interesting or noteworthy?

Melody and Harmony: Do any melodies or motives stand out to you? How might you describe them? How do the various harmonies that you’re hearing sound to you? Do any sections seem particularly dissonant? Can you hear relationships between dissonant and consonant harmonies? Can you hear any moments of tension or resolution?

Form: Can you hear relationships between any parts or sections of this piece? Do some moments of the music seem to mark the beginning of a new part of the piece? Do some seem like the end of a section? Do some parts seem to repeat something you’ve heard earlier? Do some seem to contrast with what you’ve heard earlier?

You do not need to answer every one of these questions. But you do need to address at least two of these four areas.

Finally, you must be specific in your discussion. Please refer to at least three particular moments in the video, and please refer to these with timings, so that we can find them too.

Your assignment must be double-spaced, using one-inch margins, and a common font (e.g. Cambria, Times New Roman, etc.) at a standard size (12-point). It must be submitted through Safe Assign on Blackboard by 11:59 pm on Thursday, 9/20.

Please be sure your writing is clear, and that you check for issues with spelling or grammar. Basic errors on this level will affect your grade.


Rhythm and Meter





duple meter

triple meter

simple meter

compound meter



Dynamics, and Timbre




tone color or timbre

Melody and Harmony










Musical Form and Musical Style





Essay Sample Content Preview:

Percussion Concerto
Author Name
University Name
A percussion concerto is one of the most interesting musical compositions. It is performed in the form of orchestra or musical band, and Evelyn Glennie and Colin Currie were the first two percussionists who wowed a large number of people. There are two main subsets of percussion concerto: the marimba concerto and the timpani concerto. This percussion concerto of Chen Yi has a lot to learn and get inspiration from. From the way the stage has been designed to the overall impression of the performers, everything is just amazing and appealing.
In the first few seconds, the sound of the pianos is high, but it goes down gradually, leaving an ever-lasting impression on the minds of listeners like me. There is a mix of emotions, ranging from sad to happy, and the soloist does everything to keep our attention intact along with the other performers.
Just like other performances and percussion concertos, the rhythm and meter have played a significant role in this performance. With the basic knowledge and much practice, those performances have played with pianos and othe...
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