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North by Northwest. Vs. Rear Window

Essay Instructions:

The final paper is to be an analytical essay between three and five pages in length. The paper is to be double-spaced and written in 12-point font. In this essay, you will compare and contrast a relatively recent feature-length film seen outside of class of your own choosing with one of the feature-length we have studied in class North by Northwest, Hitchcock, 1959. For the film to be seen outside of class, you may select a film made anywhere in the world since1960. In your essay, you are to illustrate how the film of your choosing shows the significant influence of the film or historical film movement studied in class. I would like for you to pay particularly close attention to film style. Please note several characteristics of the style of the film or movement studied in class (i.e. mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, lighting, sound design, set design, acting styles, etc.) and show how these aspects of film style have specifically influenced the film of your choosing. Some things you may want to consider are why you think the filmmakers responsible for the film of your choosing adopted the previous film or historical movement as a model or influence, whether you think they were successful in incorporating techniques learned from this previous era, and what each film (or movement) has to say about the specific era to which it belongs. Remember in your analysis to always cite specific evidence from the films.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

North by Northwest. Vs. Rear Window
Alfred Hitchcock is among the most famous developers of masterpiece movie pieces. Right from his initial movie Rear Window in 1954, Alfred kept on understanding his audience hence producing new pieces matching the expectations of his audience. North by Northwest and Rear Window are sophistically developed by combing different stylistic tools such as suspense, flashback, romance, action and comedy. This paper therefore compares different artistic and stylistic devices employed in both North by Northwest and Rear window.
Ernest Lehman, the author of the screenplay of North by Northwest captures the attention of the viewers by suspense. For instance, when things go haywire for the hero near the start, the viewer will not wait till the end of the movies to quench their curiosity on what really happened to the protagonist. Instead, the movie is crafted in way that intelligent viewers’ comprehend the plot indirectly and connects with the rest part of the movie (Weiler, 1959). Rear window on the other hand seems to artistically capture the audience by presenting it hero confined in a wheelchair. This thrilling aspect and intelligent is exceptional in Hitchcock’s work. Kuleshov the director of Rear Window also has his stylistic way to communicate with the audience. He artistically explains the real meaning of Rear Window via the hungry man presented too the audience to represent the naive and delicate in the society who easily fall prey to the proficient and seasoned who perceive the naivety as their chance of gain influence (Rogers, 2000).
Character development is another exceptional aspect of North by Northwest and Rear window. The thrilling aspect in any movie is brought out clearly by the stylistic changing of the character lifestyles. Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant) is a polite and cultured individual. He has married and divorced twice depicting the hardships and complexities of marriage. However, his cultured and polite personality is suddenly transformed into a messy and ruthless web of conspiracy. He is abducted by Philip Vandamm (James Mason) and jailed as an international spy. His life style changes from a peaceful life to a life of chaos in jail as a mistaken identity (Weiler, 1959). This expands the thrilling factor as well as captivity of the movies. Jeff (James Stewart) in Rear window on the other hand is restricted to his courtyard because of his broken leg. Jeff’s fiancée Lisa (Grace Kelly) compels him of his lifestyle though it is not his will. Coincidentally, Nurse Stella (Thelma Ritter) also predicts of trouble to such as lifestyle. This complexities and weird concurrence of thoughts and imaginations by different characters advances the thrilling aspect of Rear window (Rogers, 2000). Characters in Rear Window are actually developed to
Mystery is a conspicuous acting design in these movies. Ernest Lehman the movie director of North by Northwest and his scenarist developed mystery in a unique and attractive way. Humor has also been incorporated stylistically in this movie. At the start of the movie, a handsome Madison Avenue executive is mistaken for federal intelligence personnel and forcefully hard-pressed into a sequence of macabre instances that shudder, surprise, perplex and anger to some extent (Weiler, 1959). Our protagonist finds himself in a complicated situation when he is harassed by his rivals who have the intention of terminating his existence since he is in their skullduggery. Iron...
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