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Mythology and Music/Literature

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of the following pieces/types of music OR excerpts from the following books and discuss the mythic symbolism in a four -five page essay. Consider how the mythic images are portrayed through the music OR how the author uses the mythic symbols to enhance the theme of the work. DO NOT SPEND MORE THAN 4 SENTENCES RETELLING THE PLOT OF THE STORY. This essay should convey what you have learned and the connections you have made. While you are not limited to one myth, it is absolutely necessary that you make specific references to our readings. Outside references are not necessary but please use foot notes if citation is required. APA style preferred but consistent use of alternate styles is acceptable 3-5 pages 12 pt. font double –space. (Times or Times New Roman preferred) MUSIC: The Grand Canyon Suite Ride of the Valkyries The Silk Road Project Pictures at an Exhibition Peer Gynt Suite Also Sprach Zarathrustra The Firebird Suite mele hula 5 tone Inca music Native American drum and flute Shakuhachi music Soundtrack from A Clockwork Orange LITERATURE (do not restate plot but discuss mythic images) Baba Yaga (folktale) The Hobbit (Tolkien) A Hundred Years of Solitude (Garcia Marquez) The Sword of Shanarra (Brooks) The Temple of the Golden Pavilion (Mishima) Siddhartha (Hesse) Don Quixote (Cervantes) The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen (Raspe) Skinwalkers (Hillerman)

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Mythology and Music/Literature
Mythology and Music/Literature
Myths, folklores, and allegories are compelling teaching aids used especially for young person’s undergoing the rite of passage from childhood to adulthood. A common aspect about most myths and fairy tales is the description of the expedition of self-discovery and the mechanisms and nature of the world. Baba Yaga is an ancient Russian myth about a grotesque looking witch who wanders about the woods in a forest flying in a mortar while wielding a pestle. Her domicile is in a hut that is depicted as pedestalled with a pair of chicken legs. Baba Yaga is notoriously fond of eating children. Her home is skirted with skulls as a fence, she is portrayed as fierce, and one who is supposed to make people fret (Johns, 2004). The myth presents several themes including malevolence and villainess, morality and immorality, wisdom and immortality and fate.
Apart from her repulsive looks and her peculiar lifestyle, the theme of malevolence is depicted by Baba Yaga regression. Worth noting, the theme is accompanied with strong winds, creaking and squeaking of trees with the whirling of fallen leaves in the background of a distant groan. Her hut tends to move about with its rear side always facing the incoming visitor with its windows serving as sinister eyes. For the visitor to enter its door, he or she has to utter an incantation after which the hut turned in blood-curdling shriek for the door to face the visitor. The door would later flung itself open with a thunderous blast in a manner to make the visitor flinch. The door warns the visitor that he or she should enter at his or her own will.
Baba Yaga is capable of bringing in fortunes or misfortunes to people, and she was blamed for most of the wildfires that razed the Russian forests in the Slavic era. This elucidates the fact that the myth originated from the ancient inhabitants of the Eastern Europe forests of northern Russia and Finland (Johns, 2004). Her myth is perpetuated to help teach on the value of morality. Baba Yaga has no power of misfortune over those who are virtuous, like Vasilisa, and other who were blest and palisade by virtues, love and their mother’s blessing. The myth was narrated to children to reinforce these values in them to instill morality in the society. The hut seems to decide ones fate depending on the righteousness, with the less virtuous not ever coming out through the doorway forever. They ended up being grilled by Yaga in her oven.
The society in Eastern Europe especially the young, view the older generation of old women as guardians of the society since they harbor great wisdom that they impart on the younger generation. They also ensure the preservation of their culture and tradition through its perpetuation (Johns, 2004). Just like Baba Yaga they are reckoned to understand about the enigmas of life and death. Witch once meant wise but with the association of the word with the use of portions to cause malice, the word was regarded as repugnant by the society...
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