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Technology and Education

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment #2: Cause-Effect Analysis

Writing assignment #2 will be an essay in which you analyze either causes or effects.  You are required to integrate at least two sources into your essay to support your argument.



Topic:                             Technology and Education


Analyze the impact of a particular trend in technology on education.   

Our discussions in the class up to this point might be helpful for you as you consider ideas for this topic. 


You might analyze any one of the following.  These are just examples.  Many approaches are possible for this topic.


a)      The potential impact of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) on higher education.  You might focus on a particular field of study for this choice.

b)      The impact of online courses on education.  You might focus on a particular field of study for this choice.

c)      The impact of digital media on online courses

d)     The impact of the computer on writing courses or courses in other disciplines

e)      The impact of certain forms of technology on reading skills or reading habits

f)       Whether video games should be introduced into schools and used to help educate students

You must use at least two sources to support your points in this essay.  You will cite your sources in APA style, using both in-text citations and a “References” page at the end of the essay.


Some interesting articles that might give you ideas for this essay, and that you could use for one or two of your sources, are the following:


  • Clive Thompson, “The New Literacy”



  • Cynthia Haven, “The New Literacy: Stanford study finds richness and complexity in students' writing“



  • John Sutherland, “Cn u txt?”



  • Michael Agger, “Lazy Eyes”



in this topic, you may write on the same topic for writing assignment #3, the research-supported essay.  If you write on this topic for both writing assignment #2 and writing assignment #3, you will be expanding on your argument and finding more sources for the essay for writing assignment #3.





The following video tutorial provides general instruction on writing a cause-effect essay: http://polaris(dot)umuc(dot)edu/ewc/tutorials/cause_effect/ 


Your essay should have the following:


  • an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement.


The following video tutorial gives instruction on writing an effective introduction to an essay: http://polaris(dot)umuc(dot)edu/ewc/tutorials/introductions/


  • body paragraphs that offer evidence to support your thesis and synthesizes your source material


The following video tutorial gives instruction on writing effective body paragraphs for an essay.  Keep in mind that this tutorial is not specific to the cause-effect essay: http://polaris(dot)umuc(dot)edu/ewc/tutorials/paragraphs/


You might find the following tutorial helpful for using effective transitions from one thought to the next in your essay.  Keep in mind that this tutorial is not specific to the cause-effect essay: http://polaris(dot)umuc(dot)edu/ewc/tutorials/transitions/


  • a solid conclusion that reminds readers of your main idea (or thesis) without simply repeating it


The following video tutorial gives instruction on writing an effective conclusion to an essay: http://polaris(dot)umuc(dot)edu/ewc/tutorials/conclusions/



  • A References page that lists the two sources you used for the essay

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Technology and Education (Cause and Effect)
Technology is rising so fast that its uses and applications are dominating every field and sector of human lives. Its uses and applications are even more rapid and is becoming synonymous with education (Lane, 2013, para.1). There are a number of emerging trends in technology affecting education directly. For instance, the use of online resources for learning and research is gaining much popularity with so many students and tutors across the globe. The latest trend is the use of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as a media for learning and teaching, which has impacted education in different ways, both positively and negatively (Lane, 2013, Para 2). MOOCs’ impact is massive on higher education, which is a good indicator on higher education.
Critics believe that MOOCs have significant benefits and are making higher education more accessible to many students in both developed and developing countries, across the world (Skiba, 2013, para. 3). Since Massive Open Online Courses are using internet-enabled technology, it is easier for many students in different countries, in all parts of the world, to share the same materials through internet. The pro Massive Open Online Courses argue that, the accessibility to coursework through this model of education is free for any student who is motivated to learn. Therefore, the model is also suitable for learning where the number of students is huge that surpasses the number of lecturers (Lane, 2013, para. 3).
MOOCs also encourage sharing of ideas in education across the world. This is so since the program has no restriction of time and place where it can be done. The program can be done at any place and any time provided there is internet connectivity and, therefore, it allows students and tutors to interact and share knowledge freely (Kathy, 2014, para. 1). The students can also form forums or groups to share their work and help one another with questions. Through these channels, students get insights to various solutions to the problems that might have otherwise been a challenge (Kathy, 2014, para. 2).
The new trend in education is also providing immediate feedbacks activities that reinforce learning. For instance, in mathematical courses, there are developed questions that guide students in learning mathematics (Kathy, 2014, para. 3). This is followed by activities that are supposed to give students more practice and solved problems for self-evaluations. Immediate feedback between the student and the instructors is also provided especially through the live stream “hangout” sessions that are enabled by the Google air. Tutors also get emails from students and respond to them appropriately. In such instances, where the students email the tutor, their problems are addressed with speed. Dr. Karen Head for instance, asserts that students norma...
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