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Visit Renaissance museum in DC

Essay Instructions:
Visit Renaissance museum in DC. Select 3 works of art listed on the bottom 1 El Greco –Christ Cleansing the Temple, before 1570)Grunewald 2 Grunewald Small- Crucifiction, 1511/1520 and 3 Rubens - Daniel in the Lions' Den, 1614/1616 -Research your works of art. You may cite the museum's website as a source, but you must consult other sources, including at least ONE BOOK other than Gardner. This paper must be in your own words. If you include the words of another writer, you must set them off in quotation marks and tell me where they came from. You must cite the author/s of the book/s you've used in the body of your paper. Your paper MUST have a Bibliography. Consult any reputable style manual for format. The librarians here at NOVA will be happy to help you with any questions you might have about format or finding relevant sources. Write a 3 page paper (double-spaced, typed) on your 3 works of art. This is a short paper, so you should include only the information about each work that you consider most interesting and important. You can connect your works stylistically or through iconography, or you can discuss them separately. Don't forget to include images of your works in your paper. No coping and pasting this assignment is to be submitted through safe assign. Gardner's Art Through the Ages, by Fred S. Kleiner, 14th edition should be one of your source.
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Museum Paper
1 El Greco -Christ Cleansing the Temple, before 1570)
The painting is actually oil on panel, and it was painted back in Venice, right before El Greco left for Spain. This painting was much more unique than all the others he had made as it had the space illusion and the figures were all voluptuous. In the Byzantine most of the figures were in flat space and the forms were stylized. This piece highlights the fact that El Greco had mastered the styles the Venetian artists used. This can be derived from the solid figures in the painting and much drama. There is also the evidence of the bold colours that illuminate the panel (Flint Institute of Arts, 2009). The complex architecture of the building and the perspective from the foreground to the background is also borrowed from the Venetian styles. In the scene Jesus is seen to drive a multitude of church goers who were trading their wares in the church (Richler, 1997). Although this scene was as popular during the 16th century, the Catholic Church took it upon its self to promote it as its symbol. This was during the time that the Protestants were shaping up and splitting away from their catholic roots. In the scene there are draped women and some men that have bare chests, all of who are scuffling away from Jesus blows. Looking closely at the painting there is evidence of Renaissance from Italy rather that the sacred temple precincts from Jerusalem.
2 Grunewald Small- Crucifixion, 1511/1520
Matthias Grunewald a German artist was originally known as Mathis Gohardt. He is acclaimed to be one of the most profound renaissance artists from Germany. Throughout all of his artistic paintings that mostly dwelled on religion, he used intense colouring as well as agitated strokes, which expressed his visionary abilities. It is also evident that the artist had great mastery as this painting illustrates his abilities at translating his faith in Christianity into art forms, which ended up inspiring most of the other artist that came after him, such as Jasper Johns and Albrecht Durer among many others (Woods, 2007). According to Grunewald, everyone should not only appreciate the great joy that comes from knowing that Christ came to deliver us, but it also important that they appreciate th...
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