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Modern Art: Contribution of Gustave Courbet to the Rise of Modernism

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is based on the required readings that discuss the artists Gustave Courbet and Eduoard Manet. Most of those readings can be found as addendums to Lesson 2 under the Lessons tab (one of the Courbet readings is at metmuseum.org. Click on past exhibitions. Go to 2008 exhibits). Using the information from those readings and the FADIS images that correspond to them, write a short essay (approximately 3-4 pages or 850-1000 words, typewritten, double-spaced) comparing the innovations of Gustave Courbet to those of Edouard Manet. Address the following in your essay:
- How did each artist contribute individually to the “rise of modernism?'”
- What similarities do you find in their approach to their work both technically and stylistically, their attitude toward critics, and their status as innovators of their time?
- What differences do you see in their contributions to Modern art? .
- Use at least one specific artistic example from each artist to substantiate your points. Be detailed when discussing the image and show how it illustrates visually the points you make.
This essay is your own critical analysis of the two artists, but you must utilize the readings to formulate your commentary. You might also quote from the readings so if you do take information directly from the readings, you must cite your source within your essay (use author and page number next to quote).

NOTE: I will not accept papers that use sources other than the assigned readings (especially Wikipedia).

Your essay should be no more than 3-4 pages or 850-1000 words, typewritten, double-spaced. Please use Times or Times New Roman for you paper as it is easier to read online. Check the due date located at the top of the page. Submit assignments electronically from the “Assignment” page via SAFE ASSIGN either as a post in the area provided or as an attachment. Late assignments will not be accepted, unless professor is contacted regarding extenuating circumstances.

If you submit an attachment, you must use this format: (lastname_245W17_Assign1.doc, or .rtf or .pdf). I will not accept assignments without a last name as part of the file name. You must also have your name and student number on the first page of your essay.

You will find the rubric for all assignments under the HELPFUL RESOURCES tab, but my feedback will post to you in a dialog box after I have graded your essay. I will respond to you electronically using the confidential “Feedback” area of the course website.

Good luck and enjoy the readings!

A, A-

- This is the highest category reserved for clearly exceptional work with provocative/unique/creative thesis

- A thorough, deep, and precise understanding of issues and arguments developed in the class and a foundation of extensive knowledge is evident.

- Outstanding capacity of analysis and critical thinking is illustrated.

- Skillful use of concepts and/or materials from literature and previous work in the area.

- Integrations, analysis, theory, and academic writing, etc., are carefully woven in.

- High clarity and finesse of communication and presentation is evident.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Modern Art
Institution Affiliation:
Contribution of Gustave Courbet to rise of modernism
Ideas of Courbet Gustave were essential to the emergence of Realism during the mid 19th century. Gustave Courbet rejected dramatical as well as classical styles used in French Academy. According to report by Fried 91982), Gustave’s ideas on art focused on the application of the physical truth of items he observed. Besides, his commitment to work on art saw his ideas on Realism to champion the peasant along with country folk from town in his homeland. Gustave Courbet provides responses that concern Realism to the political upheavals that facilitated the gripping of France in his lifetime. The contributions of Gustave Courbet were accountable for the price of upgrading a feature in France known as Paris Vendome. Besides, several historians have been able to recognize his work to be an essential prelude to other artists such as those who were a concern with modernism like Claude Monet along with Edouard Manet.
Contribution of Edouard Manet to rising of rising of modernism
Edouard Manet remained to be the most essential and influential artist in the world to have heeded the call by Charles Baudelaire who was a poet. The call aimed at advising artists to become painters of modern life as followed by that Edouard Manet (Szczepinska-Tramer, 1998). In the life of Edouard Manet, he had the upper-class upbringing that made him have substantial effects on painting. He was motivated to outrage the French Salon broadcast by disregarding for conventions of academic. Edouard Manet had the long association with the Impressionists. He contributed to rising of modernism by learning from the Realism and Naturalism of his French contemporaries. He also learns some of the basic ideas from seventeenth-century Spanish painting. Therefore, the use of twin interest in Old Master together with contemporary Realism gave Edouard Manet the crucial foundation for his revolutionary approach.
Similarities on the approach that Gustave Courbet and Edouard Manet use work
The use of superior imaginations and high skills helped Gustave Courbet and Edouard Manet in showing the way to the new and better society. The creativity in their work improved the world to be a paradigm of Vanguard modernism. The Vanguard modes of engagement and autonomy by Gustave Courbet that receive a follow by Edouard Manet lead to the creation of visually explicit the tie between the paintings and artist who made them, and the relevant contexts that led to the rise of modernity (Szczepinska-Tramer, 1998). Therefore, the skills of arts of the two artists that are formal innovations led to convey of new content to be successful. The alla prima style used by the two artists received a quick embrace from the young generation in the society, who later turn to be Impressionists. The alla style and techniques u...
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