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Visual & Performing Arts
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Looking At Art History

Essay Instructions:

There are 3 parts of this assignment, the 1st part should be 1~2 paragraphs long, the 2nd and 3rd part should be 2~3 paragraphs long:


What are your primary areas of musical interest?

What aspects of music do you tend to appreciate most?



How has watching this video (Mona Lisa introduction) altered your perspective on the Mona Lisa? Have you been to the Louvre in Paris to see this famous work?

If so: Do you think your visit would have been different if you had seen this Mona Lisa video first? How so? If you return to the Louvre, will you see the painting in a new light? Be specific and explain.

If not: How do you think knowing a bit about the work's history will affect your visit? Would you see the work differently if you had not taken this course? How, specifically, will your view change?

Finally, what are some general conclusions you can draw about the way we comprehend and interpret art based on this specific experience of taking a closer look at the Mona Lisa? Name these and explain.


When you go into a museum and stand in front of an object, do you typically look at the work first or the label first? Discuss how your typical way of looking shapes the experience of a work of art.

Depending on how you answered above, how would your viewing experience differ if you reversed the usual order, and looked at:

The label first? Or,

The work first?

If you happen to prefer looking at the work first, how can a label be of benefit in or change your experience of a work? Or, has there ever an instance in which you preferred seeing he label first? Describe that situation.

Even if there were no label next to a work of art, are you (or anyone) still bringing some kind of context to the piece? If so, what kind of context is this that we bring (even without the label)?

With everything above in mind, is it possible to have a "pure" experience of a work of art, free of predetermining influences?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Looking At Art History
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Looking At Art History
My primary areas of musical interest are sound engineering and music production. I have always had a fascination with how sound sources are balanced and adjusted, especially the processes of equalization, audio effects, dynamics processing, reinforcing, mixing, and reproduction of sound. In addition to my curiosity in the technical aspects of recording, I am also passionate about developing and producing creative content. I am interested in the process of coordinating performers and staff to create recorded music as well as the entrepreneurship side of music production.
On the other hand, the aspects of music I tend to appreciate most are melody, form, and harmony. I love music with a remarkable melody that is supplemented by exceptional harmony and complemented by a nice structure of the different parts. While there are several other important elements of music, I tend to judge most songs by how well they combine the three components, and I always appreciate those that strike the right balance.
Watching the video (Mona Lisa introduction) piqued my interest in the painting. I now want to visit the Louvre and hopefully understand why it is so famous and expensive, besides the already established fact that it is a very good painting. I have never been to the Louvre but now that I have already learnt about the events surrounding the painting, I feel that I cannot make a completely objective criticism of the painting without its already established celebrity status conditioning my views. I think that ...
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