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Visual & Performing Arts
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Journal #1 &2 Visual & Performing Arts Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

What's on your mind? What did you find interesting? You can also ask questions or make an argument. The journal entry should show evidence that you read, including a page number from one of the readings. Journals without a quote/page number: minus one point. Each journal about 100 words, total 2 journal.

Journal 1:*Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ca. 458 BCE)

*Norton Intro, pgs. 4-11 ("Greek Theater" through "Theater and Athenian Democracy")

Journal 2:*Sophocles, Oedipus the King (ca. 430-425 BCE)

#Aristotle, Poetics, selections (ca. 335 BCE)

*Norton Intro, pgs. 11-12 ("The Decline of Greek Theater" through "Greek Theories of Drama")

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Journal One
Aeschylus, the “Father of Tragedy,” inaugurated western drama. Drama was significantly impacted when Aeschylus introduced the second actor. The introduction of a second actor enabled a dialogue or conflict between two individuals to take place on stage and before an audience for the first time (Aeschylus, 1992, pg 89). Additionally, an actor could exit the stage and reappear in the guise of another character, thus allowing an increase in the overall number of individuals represented (Aeschylus, 1992, pg 90). I found it interesting that Aeschylus is rumored to have written ninety plays, but only seven survived (Aeschylus 1992, pg 90). I believe Aeschylus’s plays impacted drama because of their unique combination of literary subtlety, theatrical imagination, and bold characterization. Aeschylus’s plays revolutionized drama because they displayed an enduring grandeur that has given them an aura of true classics. More than most plays in the history of theatre; Aeschylus’s plays have been able to speak to audiences across the centuries. The fourth century B.C.E‘s contribution to theatre history was the work of two authors who jointly provided the first written theories of drama. Aristotle focused on the origin of tragedy while Plato focused on theater as a mediu...
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