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Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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Instruments Used and Eras Represented on the Concert "Perlman Plays & Conducts"

Essay Instructions:

1 page, double-spaced, size 12 font. PDFs and Word Documents (.doc, .docx) accepted. Essay format. Due October 21 by midnight.

Things to discuss:

What pieces were on the programs? Who wrote them?

Who was/were the performer(s)?

Discuss the works you heard. Talk about what interested you about the pieces. Are they representative of the eras in which they were written?

Discuss the performance itself. Was it good or bad?

Point out specific instruments or groups of instruments (or instrument families) the composers highlighted; why do you think he or she made those decisions?

On a larger scale: what sort of emotional or dramatic journey did the composer take you on? Was he or she successful?

Summarize the concert: what was your favorite part? Why did you like it? etc.

Where to find classical concerts:

The Houston Symphony

Houston Grand Opera

Opera in the Heights

SJC Central classical concerts

Moores School of Music at the University of Houston (student recitals are free!)

Shepherd School of Music at Rice University (student recitals are free!)

Lots more, from Musiqa (music by living composers), River Oaks Chamber Orchestra, Houston Chamber Choir, etc., listed on HoustonChamberMusicCard.info.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Concert Report
Author Name
Institution Affiliation
On October 18, 2018, I got a chance to attend a concert titled Perlman Plays & Conducts. I went there along with a few cousins, and we had a lot of fun together. Legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman was the soloist and conductor of the program, and the overall environment was quite relaxing and impressive. Though the whole concert had a lot to get inspired from, I loved BACH Trio Sonata in C major, BWV 529, Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 and Schumann’s Symphony No. 4 the most. Written by Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Robert Schumann, this concert was my first chance to see so many performers under one roof, such as Carlos Botero, Anne Leek, Kurt Johnson, Louis-Marie Fardet and Molly Hammond.
First of all, Carlos Botero’s hosting style was very interesting. He knew how to keep the attention of the audience intact. As far as m...
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