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Exam. Answer 18 key term follow the rubric and 7 key passages and 1 key.

Essay Instructions:

Answer 18 key term follow the rubric and 7 key passages and 1 key image,so it will be 2 page for the 7 key passages, 1.5 page for the 18 key terms, half page for the key image, and if anything you are not clear, please ask

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The 7 Passages
Passage #1
Author: Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Title: Six Tragedies
Character (s): Megara and Lycus
Time Period: During the ancient Roman Empire (16th Century)
The woman is not happy about the marriage and compares herself to a slave, creating a picture of someone that is not treated well by the husband. Despite her feeling, the woman swears fidelity to her husband and tells him that no matter what happens, she will die hers. However, the husband refutes her claim by posing the question: can a band husband really make you that brave? It is clear that the husband is trying his all to make the woman happy but circumstances are working against him. Using the statement “An enormous mass of earth is weighing him down” creates an image of a man overwhelmed by circumstances.
Passage #2
Author: Guan Hanqing
Title: “The Injustice Done to Dou E”
Character(s): Dou E
Time Period: During Yuan Dynasty
In this extract, Dou E condemns the insensitiveness from a society that cannot good from bad. The society never gives the ordinary people a chance to vindicate themselves and they are labeled criminals with no fair trial. She uses plain words to show her discontent with the way the society treats the ordinary people. When she notes that she reproaches both heaven and earth for she knows that neither can save her, she shows her hopelessness in these situations.
Passage #3
Authors: Hrosvitha of Gandersheim
Title: The Passion of the Holy Virgins Agape, Chionia, Irena
Character(s): Hirena, Agape and Chionia
Time Period: During the Roman Empire
In the extract, a man, identified as Dulcitius, embraces pots and utensils thinking that he is embracing the three virgins. He is behaving as a mad man in the presence of the ladies. He is normal but being in the presence of the virgins has momentarily twisted his mind. They note that that the man looks like an Ethiopian. This means that he has dirtied himself and he now looks like a person of color.
Passage #4
Author: Barrett H. Clark
Title: Everyman
Character(s): Everyman, Good-Deeds
Time Period: During the 16th Century
In the extract, the author uses some words such as gay to show Everyman loved the conversation he had with Fellowship. While Fellowship had agreed to accompany him on the journey, he later changed his mind and Everyman is struggling to find another person that can accompany him to the journey. He says that he “spake” with his kinsmen to mean that he “spoke” with them. He laments that it is evil in the people that has made them refuse to help him and that they will burn to hell.
Passage #5
Author: Seneca
Title: Six Tragedies
Character(s): Hercules
Time Period: During the ancient Roman Empire (16th Century)
In this extract, there are a number of questions that are left unanswered. The goal is to capture the attention of the readers as they try to figure out what the answers can be. Hercules comes back to the place he once knew as good only to find it smelling of death and looking like hell. Hercules is asking questions as if he believes that he is in a wrong place. He questions everything from the air he is breathing to the land that his feet tread.
Passage #6
Author: Barrett H. Clark
Title: Everyman
Character(s): Doctor
Time Period: During the 16th Century
In the extract, there are a lot of words used that do not make any sense. The author is trying to be complicated which is understandable when talking about the powers of God. The author praises God and notes that we shall all be crowned in heaven where God dwells. There are a lot of words used that an average reader would assume mean well especially given the passage talks about being together with God.
Passage #7
Author: Shakespeare
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