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2 pages/≈550 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 7.2

Inspirational Art

Essay Instructions:


This week you will use your readings from the past week as a point of departure to create your own artistic production and a reflection paper.

Part 1: Art Creation

Select a photograph or film art piece to use as a point of inspiration. Create an art piece of photography or cinematography inspired by your selected art piece. Videos should be no longer than 5 minutes and must be in MP4 format.

Note: If your art creation requires a separate file submission, please submit in the Art Creation Submission (Recordings) area following this assignment.

Part 2: Reflection

Write a reflection about the relationship between your art production and the inspiration piece. Include the following in the reflection paper

Include the inspiration photograph or cinematography within the document. Use a link in the case of cinematography.

Record the title, artist/director, year, and place of origin.

Briefly explain the background of the inspiration piece.

Your Art Piece

Include your original photograph within the document. If you selected cinematography, submit as a separate file in the Art Creation Submission (Recordings) area following this assignment.

Provide a title.

Explain the background of your piece.


Explain the thematic connection between the two pieces.

How are they similar and different?

Are they the same medium? How does the medium impact what the viewer experiences?

For photography, how do the formal elements of design compare to one another?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Inspirational Art
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Due Date
Inspirational Art
My inspiration piece is Rhein II, a color photograph by the renowned visual artist Andreas Gursky in 1999. The 6-by-11 feet sludgy image shows a section of the Lower Rhine flowing horizontally across the field of view under an overcast sky and between banks of flat green fields. The Rhein II is not just a view of a straight stretch of river Rhine, but it is also an abstract alignment of horizontal streaks of the color of diverse widths. The picture is bisected in the middle by the horizon line: above is the blue-gray overcast sky, while below is the glassy surface of the river and the continuous band between green stripes of grass. In the immediate foreground of the photograph are a narrow pedestrian path and a thin streak of trimmed green grass.
Andreas Gursky’s Rhein II, 1999.
A print of the photograph set a new world record for photographs after it was auctioned for $4.3 million at a Christie’s auction in New York. The photograph's desolate, featureless landscape resulted from the careful digital removal of all intrusive features, including factory buildings, walkers, dogs, and cyclists. This bleakness provides an accurate image of a beautiful, striking, and modern river, free of human presence and industry. Gursky’s digital manipulation improves the image aesthetically while imparting a more formal and contemporary coherence. The horizontal distinctions between the...
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