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History of Museums by Geoffrey Lewis Visual & Performing Arts Essay

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The History of Museums By Geoffrey Lewis Answer the following question from the article provided. All answers are to written in the supplied “Blue Book”, they are to be short answers (one word to one sentence). This assignment is due Thursday, October 19, 2017. 1 What building was erected and opened in what year to the public for the sole purpose of housing a collection given to Oxford University? 2 In what century was the word “museum” used to denote a building housing cultural material to which the public had access? 3 What are the “practical aspects of museum work”? 4 How did museums come to be organized? 5 Does museology mean museum studies in most English speaking counties? 6 Sir Leonard Woolley discovered a tablet from the 6th Century BC Babylonian city of UR. What was it of and used for? 7 What type of objects may have been gathered in Classical Collecting? 8 What Deputy of Emperor Augustus stated that paintings and statues should be available to the public? 9 What did Chinese Emperors collect to promote the Arts? 10 Who had control over the collection of Art and Artifacts in Medieval Europe? 11 Where did the first great collections begin to form? 12 In Florence, Italy who held the greatest collection in the 15th Century and where was some of it displayed? What year was it opened to the public? 13 Match the collections with the correct Royal Collector: Collections French and Italian Craftsmen and Artist to rebuild and embellish Fontainebleau Appointment of the Kings Antiquary in 1533 Displays of Arms and Armor Collector Henry VII Francis I Charles II 14 When did Natural History interest develop to create special collections? 15 Name 2 well known “learned societies” and their dates established also their contributions to modern terms. 16 What is the earliest recorded instance of a public body receiving a private collection and what was the givers motivation? 17 What occurred during the 18th Century that brought on the opening of the British Museum in 1759 and the Louvre in 1793? 18 France saw difficulty in putting collections on display. What was the Louvre originally called and in what year did it become fully accessible? 19 What neoclassical architectural building in Rome set the standard to emulated throughout Europe for half a century? 20 What institution was established in 1786 in Philadelphia? 21 When did The Prado Museum open in Madrid and under what noble? 22 Name the Russian tsar and the museum he established to showcase the collections of the tsars. 23 Who founded the National Gallery of London based on his personal collections? 24 What prompted British Legislation to form municipal museums in 1845? 25 Where did the objects for the Victoria and Albert Museum come from? 26 How was the Smithsonian in Washington DC established? 27 When did the U. S. National Museum open? 28 What was the first historic house museum and what is its significance? 29 Name 2 museums that were open in what year and run by public authorities and maintained by trustees. 30 What was the catalyst for 100 museums opening in Britain between 1872 and 1887? 31 The Tokyo National Museum and National Science Museum was established in what year and encourage what? 32 Match the correct date of the opening of 4 major African Museums: Museums Dates Zimbabwe National Museum 1902 Uganda Museum 1908 National Museum of Kenya 1901 Egyptian Museum in Cairo 1909 33 In the first half of the 20th Century what type of museum development was going on in the US? 34 In what year was what major U.S. settlement preserved and restored? 35 For museums both International and National, what type of change did they see after World War II based on the changing of a better, educated society? 36 List the 5 members of museum teams that were formed within museums to shift from being used just for scholarly purposes. 37 What country saw museum visits number at 566 million in 1988? 38 What contributed to museums having to change funding policies? What were some solutions? 39 Despite funding issues, Museums continued to grow, such as the “Grand Louvre” project. What did that consist of? 40 What additions to the Smithsonian Museums in Washington were made in the 70’s? 41 What renovated Paris Museum was reopened in 1985 that had previously been a railroad station? 42 The National Museum and Monument Commission in Nigeria established museums to assist in what in Africa?

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Written by Geoffrey D. Lewis, History of Museums is an article that explores the long history of museums. In analyzing the museum’s history, this article focuses on three main points – the etymology and derivatives of the word museum itself, descriptions of how collections were done privately during the ancient and medieval times, and the review of how public museums have developed since the Renaissance period up to this day (Lewis, 2014).
According to its etymology, the word museum has both Greek and Latin origins. Its Greek form refers to a philosophical institution, while its Latin origin is restricted to places meant for conducting the philosophical discussion in Roman times. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the museum refers to buildings and infrastructures that houses various cultural materials to which the public can have access. Additionally, museology and museography have evolved gradually due to its development (Lewis, 2014).
Private collecting was done long befor...
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