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Music as a Communication System

Essay Instructions:

This assignment is designed to help you meet the following goals:

Course Goal 3: Provide examples of how specific societal, historical, or cultural factors influenced musical development.

Program Goals: Critical Thinking, Written Communication

Please refer to the syllabus for more details regarding the program, area, and course goals.

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ic_description_black_18dp.png Instructions

Please listen to another atonal work by Schoenberg called A Survivor from Warsaw. There are two video options for experiencing this work below. You may choose either option.

Option One: This recording is set to photographs from Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II. It also contains subtitles and translations of German and Hebrew words. link: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=CmzvJCkziF8

Option Two: If you are concerned that you will find the photographs in option one too disturbing, you may watch this live performance of the piece instead. You may find it helpful to follow along with this transcription of the libretto while you watch and listen. http://www(dot)toddtarantino(dot)com/hum/survivorfromwarsaw.html

video link: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=DFXkc9AGoeU&feature=youtu.be

Read more about the work here: https://en(dot)wikipedia(dot)org/wiki/A_Survivor_from_Warsaw. (Links to an external site.)

Write an essay (200 - 400 words) about your reactions to atonal music in general and to this piece specifically. Your essay should meet the following criteria:

Clearly demonstrate that you listened to the work in full and describe your reactions to it.

Reference something specific you learned in this lesson.

Reflect on the composer's choice to use atonal music to write a piece about this specific event. Please be detailed, specific, and reference key moments in the piece.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Course Code:
Music is a communication system which develops under an intricate set of genetic limitations and environmental input. Musical perception, including the use of hierarchical pitch and time structures to organize sound events in succession, are universal and depend on the abilities and limitations of the human nervous system. Musical development involves the communication of an idea through a composition. It is the restatement and transformation of original content. Development of music includes sections of music in different presentations and arrangements at a time. The variations and repetitions of main ideas in different contexts cause the listener to form and compare many ideas either consciously or unconsciously.
Atonal music is unpredictable as it is neither in a serial nor tonal category (Rahn 1980). According to some composers, there is nothing like atonality in music. Any sound combination can be referred to as an ultimate root, a type of music whose tonal midpoints cannot be identified by the individual using the word, everything is tonal to them (Westergaard, 1968).
The atonal style was used by Arnold Schoenberg, who wrote a tribute to survivors of the Holocaust, A Survivor from Warsaw in 1947 (Calico, 2014). The twelve-part atonal music is a deviation of regular classical music which is usually tonal. The sudden sound of instruments is almost frightening and then the sound cascades into the back ground. “The trumpets again – "Get out! The sergeant will be furious!"-the narrator’s voice is almost harsh at the beginning which makes me want to hear what he has to say next. According to the composer, the main part of the narration should not be sung as insinuated in the line; ‘never should there be a pitch”. In the cantata, a sad soundtrack can be he...
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