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Gallery Review: Summer by Suzie Hong

Essay Instructions:

Write a gallery review about this link: https://sites(dot)google(dot)com/usc.edu/summer-exhibition/home

Writing Assignment 4 Part 2: Gallery Review

Assignment overview:

Truly, the hallmark of a great exhibit is its ability to successfully impact its audience.

Presenting a cohesive collection of works should move an audience in some way, whether that’s shifting perspectives, challenging beliefs, or simply delighting in whimsy.

Participation via immersion is an essential way to interact with an artist and their ideas.

Who better to assess the effectiveness of an art space than those who immerse

themselves within the gallery?

Specific requirements

On July 26, everyone will share their art gallery with the class and, in turn, the class will attend several gallery openings, spending time with each piece of art, thinking about connections between pieces, considering how those connections build to the bigger picture goal of the gallery, and ultimately judging for yourself how your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, perspectives, etc., are interacting with the gallery you’ve chosen to write about.

This assignment should be 2+ pages that narrate your experience. Tips:

Write down your observations and impressions as you begin your journey. Think about composition of individual pieces along with connections you can make from one piece to the next.

Consider questions like:

Why are the pieces arranged this way?

Is there a piece that stands out from the rest?

What is the theme of this exhibit? Is it obvious? Is it subtle? How is the curator trying to make you feel?

When it’s time to write your gallery review, I suggest that you address the following:

State what the theme of the gallery and address how well the artist expressed it in their exhibit.

Identify parts of the exhibit that worked well. Take your time to describe individual pieces of art, their composition, their tone, their style, etc., along with comparing/contrasting how some of the pieces are working together to contribute to the overall theme of the gallery.

Stake a bigger picture claim about the value of or need for this exhibit and its overall aesthetic and message.


This review is worth 5% of your final grade. Take your time to create a descriptive and analytical review makes a well-supported argument about the gallery’s theme, utilizing the art pieces themselves as support to show the curator’s intent. Successful reviews will provide depth, detail, and specifics and will utilize structure and organization to successful walk the reader through the gallery and its impact.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gallery Review
Institution Affiliation
Gallery Review
Location: Seoul, Hannam dong, Dorossy Gallery
Dates: July 27th, 2023 - Aug 31st, 2023
Curated by Suzie Hong
Suzie Hong, a curator, is a summer enthusiast who is inspired by the summer theme and colors for the exhibition at Dorrosy Gallery. The exhibition run from 27th July to August 31st in the neighborhood of Hannam Dong in Seoul. Notably, the exhibition provides a summer theme and atmosphere for visitors to explore unique artwork from distinguished artists. The exhibition perfectly displays summer feelings, moods, and attitudes.
At the entrance one is graced with lighting that radiates warmth, positive energy, and optimism. They are thoughtfully selected to depict a peaceful and calm ambiance that gives the visitor the curiosity to explore the art pieces and environment that presents summer. At a glance, Suzie achieves what every curator aims for in an exhibition, PERFECTION (Summer - Suzie Hong, 2023). She strikes a balance of themes, mediums, and artistic styles that leads to a cohesive and engaging adventure with the audience at the exhibition. Being an art enthusiast, I was hypnotized by the first glare and I was motivated to pay attention to the details of the exhibitions and the idea behind the exhibition.
Notably, the theme of the exhibition is well executed and evocates summer feelings towards the visitors. For instance, the color collection and finishes give the audience a delightful feeling, a radiant, lovely, ...
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