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Francois Couperin: Western Music Composer

Essay Instructions:

Failure to document your sources is a violation of the Student Code of Academic Conduct and is subject to penalty. Every use of or reference to another’s work must be documented. Short quotations, paraphrasing, and long quotations must all be fully referenced in your essay, in Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.), APA or MLA formats.

Essays are to be six to eight typed, double-spaced pages (1500 words) with a complete bibliography and discography at the end. In-text citations or footnotes should be included every 2-3 sentences for any paraphrased material, and citations are mandatory after direct quotations. Long quotations must be indented and single-spaced with a citation at the end. You will receive 0 on your essay if citations are not included.


Pick a Western Art Music composer from the list below. Start with a brief introduction, providing the title of the piece, year, and composer. Briefly discuss his or her biography and musical career. Give an overview of the compositional style the composer developed. Find a recording of one of the composer’s pieces. Choose a 2-minute clip of the piece and analyze the music. Discuss the time, melody, instruments, tonality, texture, dynamics, and form that you hear using terms from class. Summarize the main points of the essay with a brief conclusion. The bibliography and separate discography (with the legitimate recording(s) you listened to) should be included at the end of the essay.

Choose one of these composers:

Gilles Binchois

Thomas Tallis

Adrian Willaert

John Dunstable

Maddalena Casulana

Domenico Scarlatti

Francois Couperin

Johann Adolf Hasse


Pick an instrument from one of the music cultures discussed in class. You may choose one instrument from the following list: the pipe organ, the violin, the shawm, the lute, the mbira, the rebab, the veena, or the kora. Start with a brief introduction, providing the title of the piece, composer (if there is one), and the country of origin (for the instrument). Briefly discuss the history and construction of the instrument, paying close attention to changes in its use, and its spread to different cultures. In the case of the organ or violin, do not extend your discussion beyond the Baroque period, as this will make the scope of your paper too large. Find a recording that features this instrument prominently and analyze it. Choose a 2-minute clip and analyze the music. Discuss the time, melody, instruments, tonality, texture, dynamics, and form that you hear using terms from class. What is the timbre of the instrument? What is the function of the piece within the culture? For example, some cultural music is used in ceremonies. What other instruments do you hear, and how does your chosen instrument interact with them? Summarize the main points of the essay with a brief conclusion. The bibliography and separate discography (with the legitimate recording(s) you listened to) should be included at the end of the essay.

*All papers must contain musical analysis based on the terms used in the course. This analysis must be incorporated into the paper, not separate. Analysis should occupy approximately 15-20% of your paper. (1-2 pages)*

SOURCES: Use at least four peer-reviewed sources through the Ryerson Library:


Try Oxford Music Online—Grove Music Online: https://www-oxfordmusiconline-com(dot)ezproxy(dot)lib(dot)ryerson(dot)ca/

Other sources may be found through the library website Databases (such as JSTOR). Look for music articles there in journals such as Music & Letters, Notes, Journal of Music Theory, and the Journal of the American Musicological Society (JAMS).

For recordings, try Naxos Music online through the Ryerson library website—this is the best source to use for this essay: https://ryerson-naxosmusiclibrary-com(dot)ezproxy(dot)lib(dot)ryerson(dot)ca/recentadditions.asp

Youtube may be used in addition to a legitimate recording. Recordings through the Ryerson library website or any recordings that require payment (e.g., Itunes, Google Play, & Spotify) are acceptable. Also, some of you may want to use CDs (if you have access).

*Recordings discussed in class are not permitted for discussion in your paper.*

Also see the Research Help Desk on the Ryerson library website if you are having any problems: https://library(dot)ryerson(dot)ca/services/refserv/#rhd

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis of Francois Couperin as a Western Music Composer
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Analysis of Francois Couperin as a Western Music Composer
The combination of art and music involves instrumental sounds or vocal sounds for emotional expression. Moreover, such art music tends to be composed based on particular cultural standards of melody or rhythm. For example, most western art music composers commonly use harmony. Most individuals recognize art music as cultivated music because it is considered high scientific and artistic value to an individual's life (Radice & Kelliher et al., 2017). Moreover, most Western art music composers had the objective of making classical music accessible and enjoyable to all persons by breaking down perceived elitism barriers. Based on recent research, classical music tends to enhance cognitive performance; it is derived from the universe's natural laws and much emotional depth. In such light of understanding, western art music composers such as Francois Couperin played a pivotal role in composing the songs, exploring Western cultural traditions comprising secular and religious music. This paper’s primary connotation is to write about Francois Couperin and briefly discuss his musical career and biography. Also, providing an overview of the compositional techniques, he implemented based on her sample of the composer’s pieces.
Biography and Musical Career Background
Francois Couperin was an organist, harpsichordist and French Baroque composer. “Couperin le Grand (Couperin the Great) was his popular name which distinguished him from other Couperin family members who were also musically gifted. Francois Couperin was born on November 1668 in Paris and died in September 1733. Francois Couperin obtained skills at the age of ten from Charles Couperin (his father) and Jacques Thomelin. He became the organist at Saint –Gervais in 1685(a post he inherited from Charles Couperin and later on passed on to Nicholas Couperin, his cousin) (Schroeder, 2020). The Couperin family had made it mandatory that all the members would hold a similar position in the forthcoming years. Consequently, reaching 1693, Francois Couperin succeeded Jacques Thomelin as organist at Royal Chapel with the title organiste du Roi, appointed by the king (Louis XIV). Jacques Thomelin had been his teacher and an influential figure in his development as a musician.
Francois Couperin continues to be acknowledged for his significant role in pioneering trio sonata form to France. Therefore, he remains to be believed his debt to the Italian composer Arcangelo’s trio sonata. Couperin’s trio sonata was subtitled the Apotheosis of Corelli. Notably, Corelli's trio sonata comprised a blend of French and Italian music styles in a music set, which he labelled Les Gouts reunis (Schroeder, 2020). From 1722 to 1730, Francois Couperin composed four volumes of harpsichord music, which contained over two hundred and thirty pieces that could be played on a solo harpsichord. However, the artistic pieces were not arranged into suites or the common practice but were odres developed by Couperin's account of suites comprising traditional dances and expressive pieces. Therefore, most of Couperin's keyboard pieces incorporated picturesque titles, express mood and evocative titles via critical choices.
Overview of Organ Music
From 1688 to1690, he produced the first piece comprised of dual masses, the Pieces d'orgue consistances en D...
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