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Reflection on an Object Story and “The Danger of a Single Story”

Essay Instructions:

Reflection on an object story and “the danger of a single story”

Length: Maximum 500 words (not including title page, images, captions, and bibliography)

 Watch the video Or read the transcript on the webpage


This assignment is meant to demonstrate your ability to understand and communicate how an object is part of a larger narrative in a museum setting and how you can change that narrative by moving the object to another showcase or to a different part of the museum. Lisa Bolombek’s article “40 Years of Change” is an example of this idea (Week 4 readings). You are required to:

Choose Two objects (painting, ceramic, metalwork, glass, textile, etc... ) from Two different showcases that are currently on show at the British Museum

https://islamicworld.britishmuseum.org/collection/ (Links to an external site.)

  • Describe what do you think is the narrative/story that the each of the objects you chose is telling in their current cases? This may be indicated in an existing labels.
  • Imagine that you can move these objects to a different (imaginary) showcase in the same gallery so as to make it part of a different narrative (similar to the idea of Golombek’s article).
  • Create a Section Panel or an extended label and that describes the new narrative these objects tell when placed together (see Glossary of Exhibition Terms and Exhibition Interpretative Strategies)

To select objects from the British Museum showcases and read their labels, go to https://islamicworld.britishmuseum.org/collection/ (Links to an external site.) and click on the gallery map. When you hover your cursor above the map, the showcases will be highlighted and you can click on the individual showcases to see all the objects that are in them

To get to the gallery map and be able to click on each case and see the objects click on show gallery map on the top left tab indicated by the arrow below.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Reflection On an Object Story and "The Danger of a Single Story"
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Reflection On an Object Story and "The Danger of a Single Story"
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's (2009) Ted talk on the danger of having a single story highlights the limitations of telling a story from a single perceptive. Notably, she deals with historical subjects, especially the west's effort to portray the African continent as a dark and barbaric country. Adichie was affected by one-sided stories told by colonial writers. Her characters were whites, and she was led to revere and accept the world-view communicated by the stories. Chinua Achebe changed her perspective once she was introduced to his writings. She developed a holistic perspective of life. Despite the change, a single perspective approach impacted Adichie's interaction in America and Mexico. Therefore, there is the danger of accepting others' perspectives as obsolete. We have to exercise independent thinking relating to art materials, literature, historical accounts, and personal experiences.
Rearranging objects in the museum was critical to exercising the reconstruction process. The objects are located in more than 20 cases, telling stories depending on the museum's defined narrative. Figures 1 and 2 are the selected objects. Object 1(figure 1) is the "Islam in Southeast Asia: Sumatra to Sulawesi: Ceremonial headdress from Minangkabau." The Object tells the story about women and their leadership role among the Minangkabau of Sumatra. The British Museum's perceptive implies that women ruled over men and were, therefore, more powerful. Senior women controlled property and leadership positions.
Moreover, the library observes that the headdress varied from village to village; nevertheless, they maintained the culture and emphasized society's position and control by women. Object 2 (figure 2) was obtained from the Arab World (Men's headgear and Jambiyya from Yemen) section. The object depicts a hat won by men to depict their age, wealth, honor, masculinity, and status among the Jambiyya Community. The headdress also communicates men's dominion over women.
Figure. SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 Ceremonial headdress from Minangkabau (The British Museum, n.d.) (link: The British Museum: Islamic Gallery)
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