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Formal Art Review: Glenn Ligon’s Untitled (America) (2019)

Essay Instructions:

You can use any Art Musume or Gallery, just remember to check if the artist is still living but here are some places to start looking:








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Formal Art Review
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Formal Art Review
Glenn Ligon’s Untitled (America) (2019) is a powerful piece of contemporary art that uses a range of materials to explore complex ideas about race, identity, and power in America. At first glance, the piece appears relatively simple - a large, reddish rectangle with the word "AMERICA" inscribed across the center. However, on closer inspection, the viewer is drawn into a world of complex symbolism and meaning that speaks to the heart of the American experience.
Untitled (America) (2019)
Source: Art Basel
General Information
Glenn Ligon is the artist who created the artwork. Glenn Ligon is a well-known American artist who has exhibited his work internationally. I found the artist through my research on contemporary art. The artwork represents the word "AMERICA" written in an inverted manner. The word is made of lightbulbs, paint, and wire, and is installed on a wall. The artwork has a reddish hue, and the reflection of the word can be seen on the ground below it.
The technique and medium used to create the artwork are important in understanding its meaning. The use of lightbulbs and wire to create the word "AMERICA" gives it a three-dimensional quality, and the use of red paint adds depth and texture to the work. The inverted writing of the word "AMERICA" challenges the viewer's perception and understanding of the word. The artwork is quite large, spanning several feet on the wall.
Formal Qualities
In terms of formal qualities, the dominant elements in the artwork are line, shape, and color. The lines used to create the word "AMERICA" are straight, angular, and diagonal, giving the artwork a sense of movement and tension. The shape of the word is large and bold, taking up significant space on the wall. The color of...
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