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Drugs In The 1960's A Psychedelic Experience

Essay Instructions:

For example, Use the topic Drugs consider how The Doors, Donovan, or Jimi Hendrix each put their own spin on the “psychedelic” experience using these sources below.


Martinus, T., Mcalaney, J., Mclaughlin, L. J., & Smith, H. (2010). Outdoor Music Festivals:

Cacophonous Consumption or Melodious Moderation? Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 17(6), 795-807. Doi: 10.3109/09687630903357692

Hesse, M., & Tutenges, S. (2012). Music and Substance Preferences among Festival

Attendants. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 12(2), 82-88. Doi: 10.1108/17459261211235100

Scientists Find Link between Anticholinergic Drugs and Alzheimer's disease. (2016). The Pharmaceutical Journal. doi:10.1211/pj.2016.20201351

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Psychedelic Drugs in the 1960s
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Psychedelic Drugs in the 1960s
As far as musicians and artists go, drug and substance abuse is something that many struggle with on a daily basis seeing as moderation is hardly ever discussed (Hesse & Tutenges, 2012). This could be partly attributed to the pressure that many of these individuals face as well as to a habit of pursuing psychedelic experiences aimed at inspiring creativity in their art. In all instances, however, artists manage to present psychedelic drugs in their own unique ways, partly facilitating their continued abuse of said drugs.
Drugs come in many forms and these have different degrees of potency, addictiveness, and even psychological impacts (Martinus, Mcalaney, Mclaughlin, & Smith, 2010). For instance, Jimi Hendrix was known to openly admit using psychedelic drugs such as LSD with the aim of further exploring his mind and, in some instances, giving him peace. It is this consistent reiteration of the peace provided by psychedelic drugs that further fueled his addiction and abuse, eventually leading to his death. It is worth noting, however, that moderation was not something that Jimi Hendrix practiced when it came to the use and abuse of drugs, particularly psychedelic ones. His popularity, coupled with his open admissions of using psychedelic drugs for peace, helped further entrench the idea that said drugs provide peace of mind. It is this perception that fueled many of his fans to also use said drugs in the pursuit of a psychedelic experience, much like Hendrix had done numerous times. In this period, much unlike today, consumption was regularly excessive, with minimal attention being paid to moderation.
It is also worth noting that the psychedelic experience as pursued by many artists and their legions of fans typically involved not only using psychedelic drugs, but also combining...
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