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Comparison of Two of Stravinsky's Opera Class Ballet

Essay Instructions:

Part A:
Write 1-2 paragraphs on the following:
Choose two of the ballets from this week. Compare how the music and dance in each. How do the music choreography relate to the story? Do the pieces meet your expectations as an audience, or do they surprise you? How so?

Part B:
Write 1-2 paragraphs using the following prompts.
What role does expectation play in an audience’s experience of a performance?
Have you encountered any pieces/performances that have challenged your expectations? If so, describe the experience and your response to it.
What is the role of art?
Have you experienced any ways in which art challenged society?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Opera Class Ballet
Part A:
Vaslav Nijinsky recreates the idea of a sacrifice in The Rite of Spring dance there is focus on revitalizing the cycle of life based on the traditions of the Russian people (Stravinsky, 2010). The rhythm that is not always in accordance with the dance, but when the tempo is faster so are the dance moves. The piece is unique since Stravinsky uses rhythmic and dissonant violence in the dance and the dancers do not wear the typical dresses in ballet. The dissonance and irregular rhythm in the dance is a surprise because of the complexity involved in developing the theme.
The ballet Les Noces dance is characterize by ritual character and the rhythmic frenzy and depicts a peasant wedding, the music is based on Russian folk dance and music. The choreography was produced to represent the same things in the dance unlike classic ballet where the music has a less significant role to the music. There are few stylistic contrasts in Les Noces, with the few contrasts being the timbre and tempo as well as the voice (Stravinsky, 2010). The pe...
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