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A Critique Of A Musical By The Name Come From Away

Essay Instructions:

I saw the theater Come From Away in San Francisco. Please write about it.

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Paper Critique Name: Institution: Paper Critique Different authors and artists have the same aim of entertaining or informing their audience. Either way, what they write has effects on the audience in different ways. It is unlikely for the audience to have the same reaction to a book or a film. Usually, there is both positive and negative feedback from the audience. Some people go ahead to write articles based on what they think about the film. Critique is essential as it helps the author in improving on their areas of weaknesses. To add on, it also helps in shaping the different views of the general public. There are also reviews on books and films which give an analysis of how the general public reacted to the production. Low surveys show that the output was not a success while high reviews mean that the work was a complete success. In films, there is a high possibility of canceling the shows if there were low reviews by the people. Through it all, the people involved have to make sure that they fulfill their set goals and objectives on a particular project. Whether it is informing or entertaining the general public, it is also important to make sure you connect with your target audience through your project. The essay tackles a critique of a musical by the name Come from Away. Naturally, Come from Away is a musical that contains music, lyrics and a book from the authors Irene Sankoff and David Hein. The setting of this musical was in the week after the attacks on 11th September. The musical relive the happenings by telling a story of what took place after some planes were ordered to make an impromptu landing in a small town in Canada (Hetrick, 2016). As for the characters, they were based on the residents of the village in addition to the passengers who were on the plane telling tales of how they were fed and housed during the time. Looking at this act, it shows that humanity is still within us. It takes a lot to talk to someone you do not know let alone house and feed them. It is a common occurrence to take someone in, and they end up stealing your belongings. So this act by the residents of Gander town meant a lot. As expected, there has been a different reaction by the people and critics in general. It reminded them of how far human compassion can go in times of need. The musical also showed and proved to the people that it is possible for humanity to trample and victor over hate. The first production of the music led to it being worshipped by many people. The musical created several waves and had outstanding records in theatres and playhouses years after it was first produced. To add on to the success, the musical became a success in the box office and was played to standing audiences. As time went by, Come from Away turned out to be one of the longest running musical in Canada beating the previous record of over six hundred performances (Brantley, 2017). This was a massive success for the musical as it made huge airwaves on Broadway. Due to the great accomplishment, an announcement was made on social media that there would be a London publication of the musical in February this year. It was said that the airing of the first trailer would be in Dublin and that there would be an official announcement of the same on Canada Day. This meant a lot to the people of Canada. Stopping the success of a publication is hard. The musical has received multiple nominations since it was first produced. Some of the awards show the musical was nominated for include the Tony Awards, where it was placed in several categories. Some of the slots it was chosen for include the Best Original Score, Best Musical among many others. Christopher Ashley won an award for Best Musical Direction at the show. To fully understand the brains behind the successful musical, we need to know how the idea was conceived. A theatre producer and an Associate Dean of Visual and Performing Arts at a university in Oakville was the one who came up with the concept (Hetrick, 2016). The lawyer by the name Michael Rubinoff first made an approach to various people for the writing of the object. Some of the people who were highly interested were David Hein and Irene Sankoff. He had a previous connection with them from a musical they worked on together back on 2009. Both Hein and Sankoff visited the town where the attacks had happened. The name of the city is Gander which is located in Canada. Durin...
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