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Visual & Performing Arts
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Documenting Your Musical Experience Analysis Of Musical Experience

Essay Instructions:

Pick either 1A or 1B ( no more than 300 words)

Here's how you should write up this assignment:

Give your list of the 30 events in order, with all the extra information about your experience that you recorded (content, location, activity, kind of experience, duration, anything else). You should also explain how you organized your list - whether by musical pieces or by your activities.

A clearly written summary of no more than 300 words about what your event list tells you about your experience of music. For example, you can talk about:

How long did it take you to accumulate 30 events? Do you experience music more frequently or less frequently than you thought?

Do you perform or imagine music more or less than you realized?

Do these 30 events give a good profile of your experience? If you had started recording at a different time and place, would your profile look very different?

Based on the evidence you have collected here, to what extent does music form an important part of your mental life?

Did the act of recording your experience interfere with or change your experience? Is it possible that you missed some events that should have been reported? If so, what does this tell you about your experience of music?

What else would you need to record in order for your list to give a full account of your musical experience?

Or, you can talk about anything else that you learned from doing this.

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Analysis of Musical Experience
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The format I used in organizing the events is by listing, first, the activity that I was doing at a time, then, listing the number of events that I experienced und...
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