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Visual & Performing Arts
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Concert review Visual & Performing Arts Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Herbie Hancock 2008 Newport Jazz Festival


watch the concert above and write a review about it.

Write your paper as though you are "attending" a live jazz performance. But instead of describing only the recorded venue, feel free to describe your experience "watching" the selected video-recorded live jazz performance. Try to "join" the live audience as you watch, but also feel free to describe your experience, wherever you are, watching remotely, because of these most extraordinary global circumstances.

1) Your experience of attending the performance, which can serve as a "frame" for your review. The performance venue, the people you see, the stage—describe these aspects of the experience that take place before the concert itself. Convey to the reader distinctive characteristics of the performance venue and the stage setting, as well as any details of your own personal viewing space that you would like to share.

2) The performance—the performers, the instruments, the music—this is the heart of what you are writing about! Select the piece or pieces that most impressed you. Describe the performance and your response to the music. Highlight individual performers, if that was one of the impressive aspects of the concert. Describe as best you can what you hear and how it affects you.

3) Consider, too, whether you recognize any aspects of jazz or jazz style(s) in the music. Has our study thus far allowed you to perceive aspects of the music that you might not have observed before studying? For example, melody, harmony, rhythm, texture, timbre—blue notes, swing rhythms, syncopations, improvisation—are there aspects of these musical elements that stand out for you that you can describe?

4) Finally, reflect on the value of "attending" a live performance of jazz at such a high level of artistry. Did you enjoy the music? Has the experience changed you in any significant way? Offer a conclusion to your paper that conveys your "take-away" from the experience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Herbie Hancock 2008 Newport Jazz Festival- Review
Student's Name
Jazz Festival Review
I attended the Herbie Hancock 2008 Newport Jazz Festival in Hampton Beach Casino on Wednesday, August 10th, 2008. The venue was like other similar festivals, and it took place at the waterside in Fort Adam State Park, which was more of a tradition. The festival was the 65th of its kind, and I went there expecting so much from performers. The venue was previously used as a naval fort that is surrounded by Newport Harbor. There are stages both inside and outside of the fort walls. The venue had a lot of space to accommodate lots of people. The vast space provided an opportunity for me to enjoy the music without interruption caused by congestion. The fort stage was the main area for performance, and the beautiful exterior of the fort behind it makes the venue look good. The harbor surrounds the remaining three sides, and this is the place for attendees. The weather was right, and therefore I got a beach experience in addition to my concert experience. There were so many people in attendance, including some on boats anchored close to the concert at sea.
When Hancock took the stage together with his team, that was the highlight of the event. The artists who were on stage seem to have set the mood and prepared the audience for Hancock's legendary performance. The team was performing classics, as well as recent modifications of classical music. He took the lead of the performance, starting with the 'Actual Proof' which he derived from ...
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