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The Ceiling Frescoes

Essay Instructions:

There are three parts of this assignment:

1. Ceilings in Threes

In this lesson, we see a theme similar to that of painting uses architectural space as its organizing framework, but in these new examples we've seen, this happens in a very different way. In the example of Michelangelo's Sistine ceiling we have the effect of separate panels, and in Pozzo's Glorification of Saint Ignatius, the final images are more unified.

Given all that you have learned, where would you place these additional ceiling frescoes in terms of their degree of relative openness vs. closure? Provide an order and state why you decided on that order. The "why" here involves using concrete language to describe the formal/visual properties of each example in order to clarify why you choose that order. As we have been doing in previous lessons, draw parallels to examples we have discussed previously. The best starting place would be to start by considering the frescoes Anthony discusses in the video for this lesson. You will find that, by making reference to these examples below, you will also start to employ formal/descriptive terminology that will make your discussion more specific.

-Pietro de Cortona—Triumph of the Barberini Family

-The Loves of the Gods by Annibale Carracci

-Raphael—Ceiling of the Stanza della Segnatura

Post your thoughts, following the instructions below. Your post should be two to three paragraphs long.

2. Restoration

Congratulations! You are now fully responsible for the Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci. The year is 1978 and you have to make the decision about what to do with this painting.

What is your end goal? Do you restore the painting or conserve it? To save the work? To get back to the "original" Leonardo? What makes you confident that you can do this? To make the work look better? How do you justify your personal end goal to the rest of the world (this is a serious question, by the way), especially if you are deciding to go into the work and make significant alterations? Lay out your rationale and argument concerning why you decide to proceed the way you do. Take into account the possible objections to your project, and find a way to respectfully put forward your view

Does your decision come with some reservations? What are these?

Finally, what is the most historically accurate rendition of the painting in your view? Which approach tries its best to preserve history as it "actually" happened?

We will present the following scenario, related to Ross's discussion, just to underline the weightiness of the issue, and as food for thought as you contemplate what you will do. Let's suppose that we happened, by some miracle, to have an actual recording of Chopin playing the piano. Let's also suppose, however, that if we decided to restore this recording, we lived in a world where could not make a copy of the "original." This would present us with a problem similar to that faced by the restorers of the Last Supper, in that the changes are irreversible. What do you do when confronted by this situation? And how does that decision translate over to painting?

Your post should be two to three (well-developed) paragraphs long.



Do you know what Mozart sounded like? Do you know what Beethoven sounded like? How can we know? Should we try and recreate the sounds of the past for the present? Why? Why not?

Post your thoughts, following the instructions below. Your post should be two to three paragraphs long. You may also upload descriptive text, a YouTube link, or an MP3 file.

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The Frescoes
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The Frescoes
Regarding ceiling frescoes' degree of relative openness and closure, I would classify Pozzo's Glorification of Saint Ignatius and Cortona’s Triumph of the Barbeni Family as unrestricted, with the former the more open of the two. I would categorize Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling as the most enclosed ceiling frescoes, followed by Caracci's The Loves of the Gods and then Raphael’s Ceiling of the Stanza Della Segnatura. An order of the ceiling frescoes in most open to most restricted would start with Pozzo’s Glorification of Saint Ignatius and finish with Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling. This order is founded on how well the various artists managed or desired to break free of the limitations of a framed image.
For instance, Pozzo’s Glorification of Saint Ignatius is often cited as one of the most significant examples of quadratura paintings primarily because of the open manner in which the artist painted onto ceilings so that the painting appears to extend into an imaginary space, well beyond the actual confines of the ceiling. Pozzo employed both painting and architecture to create the illusions of space and perspective while capturing various characters of the heaven assembly and the Old Testament in one large scene. This open approach is evident in Cortona’s Triumph of the Barbeni Family, where the eminent solar Divine Providence, flying maidens, and laborers are captured together in the characteristic dramatic conceits of the Baroque period.
On the other hand, the same cannot be said of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling. Various scenes from the Book of Genesis are divided into three alternating large and small picture panels. Because the various scenes are unrelated, Michelangelo chose to order them into nine panels. This enclosed method is applied to a lesser ...
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