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Painting: The Reformation

Essay Instructions:

There are 4 parts of the assignment:

(questions 1& 2 are attached in the file)

3. Forgery

Let's say you have a favorite painting at your local museum. Ever since you can remember, you have always been drawn to this work for reasons you may not be able to clearly articulate. Maybe it's the color, perhaps the emotion, or it could be the dynamism of the brush stroke.

The museum label says that the work is by Picasso.

The museum announced to the world last week that this painting is in fact by a guy named Frank Jones from Brooklyn, who made it in his basement in 1990. The only thing that has changed about the painting is the name on the label next to it.

Or is it? Has something else changed? If so, what is it? And why is this important?

Artists are sometimes inclined not to care if they find out a painting was made by one person rather than another, but come up with an example that is meaningful to you. What, for instance, would change if we knew that Beethoven did not compose the piece we know as his Fifth Symphony, but that Schubert did? Or what if Eleanor Rigby was not actually made by the Beatles? Something has obviously changed; the question is: what?

Coming back to our forged Picasso, the next time you see the painting, with this new knowledge about the work, how would your experience of the piece be different? How would anybody's experience of the piece shift? Does this change, and your understanding of it, say anything about how we tend to look at, or experience, works of art?

Finally, a big question: Can you relate all of this to Rauschenberg's Erased De Kooning? If so, what, for you, is the link, or the underlying historical principle, or "truth," structuring both of these situations?

Your post should be two to three paragraphs long.


Please watch the video below of Joshua Bell in the subway, and think about how much we are affected by where we see music, the name of the musician we are listening to, and the amount of money we spend on tickets. In other words, how much of our perception of a musical work is influenced by extra-musical factors?

Even if you are listening to a recording in your living room with headphones on, what are the factors impinging on your understanding of the work? All of this raises a rather big philosophical question: is there any situation in which a work of music or art can be said to exist in a kind of "pure" or most proper or most characteristic or definitive state?

And once again, can you find a common thread of link between the reality of Joshua Bell playing in the subway and Rauschenberg's Erased De Kooning?

Share your thoughts. Your post should be two to three paragraphs long.

Here's the Joshua Bell video:


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Painting: The Reformation
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Painting: The Reformation
The lesson's set of examples (from architecture to a triptych to a panel painting) appear to follow a structural logic similar to one another. There is a profound growth in style and content throughout the tripartite schemes. For instance, the emotionless, universal, and rigid postures of the Archaic period developed to the romanticized beauty and blossoming realism of the Classical period and eventually to the dynamism and naturalism of the Hellenistic period (Adam, 1966). This same artistic shift can be observed between early renaissance sculptures to those of the high renaissance and the baroque periods. The pursuit for perfection in the appearance of columns is evident from the Doric order to the Iconic order to the Corinth order: the first order is largely simplistic with few decorations above the columns, the second-order takes a more delicate female form with oval decorations and volutes, while the third is by far the most ornate with two tiers of wavy leaves.
The same development can be observed in the Gothic typologies where Early Gothic with its basic Romanesque proportions gave way to the elaborate decorations of High Gothic, which developed into the overly refined and sophisticated forms of Late Gothic. Similarly, a logical development is observed between Early Renaissance art, High Renaissance art, and Baroque art: the first phase focused on three-dimensionality and symmetry. It gave way to the second phase, where realism and dramatic use of Christianity and science were underlined. The Baroque art period was far developed in its use of ornate details and capture of human emotions.
The Harvesters and the Hunters in the Snow by Pieter Breughel share formal and subject matter elements. They both shift away from the religious subject matter and gravitate toward secular subject matter (McCouat, 2014). Rather than rely on a church-based compositional approach, Breughel decides to focus on folklore, humanism, and landscape. In both paintings, the painter blends sweeping landscapes with intimate portrayals of the peasant condition itself, all while situating these in the daily activities and traditions of the communities presented.
For instance, the Hunters in the Snow shows a bird's view of the North European winter landscape (bare trees, jagged snow-covered mountain peaks, blue-grey sky) teeming with life (hunters, ice skating peasants, and families busy with the preparations of the cold weather). Unfortunately, the hunt was unsuccessful, with ties with the magpie flies situated in the upper center of the scene indicating an ill-Omen in Dutch folklore. Similarly, The Harvesters depicts the late summer harvest with all the activities representative of the 16th-century peasant life and the characteristic landscape of Belgium. Like the Hunters in the Snow, where muted whites ...
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