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Mary Cassatt influence on the rights of women empowerment

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Mary Cassatt influence on the rights of women empowerment
During the renaissance period in the 19th Century, society had a different understanding on the roles and duties of women. Becoming an artist was as hard as becoming a Doctor. Women were supposed to stay at home and perform household chores. According to the society, becoming a female artist was seemed to be impractical since art and painting was considered as a men`s field. There were no female artists in France at this time due to these social expectations. Males were predominant and had power to minimize the impacts of women on art and its developments (Broude & Garrard 98). Women were denied any rights to education and were discouraged to pursuing their careers.
Cassatt was however determined to pursue her career and not even the persuasions and threats she received from her parents could stop her. She was the first female artist and her contributions to the discipline developed the motivation of other women artists during the renaissance. Her determination led to the recognition and development of the career of many women and led to the independency women who had been denied their rights. She is among the Historical public images that have contributed to the realization of women`s rights to freedom and expression of talents. The artist has greatly contributed to female empowerment and contribution to the society.
Formal Visual Analysis
Cassatt`s career was developed during the impressionist period of the history of art. The impressionists incorporated a new method of scientific research in the physics of color in order to achieve a more and exact representation of tone and color. This was a shift from the traditional use of braid strokes to application of small and unique touches of color that could emphasize on the subject and the artist`s perception. Impressionists involved painting outdoors and this was one of the reasons that the society denied the women the opportunity since by involvement in outdoor activities women could reject their house hold duties (Strieter 78).
The paints and the pictures of the impressionists were vibrant and very bright. The impressionist artists could capture the images without details but with bold colors and they could paint them to look more visual. One of the most recognized impressionists was Edgar Degas who was a close friend to Cassatt. It was Edgar Degas that taught Cassatt the basics of impressionism. Under his influence Cassatt developed the impressionist style and changed her painting to more light colored paintings and even started to paint people. Her work was however evolved away from the basics of impressionist since it was more of a simpler and a straight forward approach.
Mary Cassatt`s favorite topics were on women and children since her main theme was to make the society recognize the roles and capabilities of women in art. Her paintings expressed tenderness of family love despite the fact that she did not have children of her own. She often spent time with friends, families and children and later could represent the tenderness that appeared in these families in form of paintings, prints or drawings (Broude & Garrard 106).
Cassatt`s love for the children is seen in the Mother`s Kiss, 1890. The maternal kiss depicted the intimacy that exists between a child and the mother.
(Source: /collection/gallery/cassatt/cassatt-46729.html)
The painting represents an eternal bonding that is essential for peace building and promotes conflicts resolutions and management. The baby`s rounded belly and legs have very graceful outlines and look simple. The viewer is made to see the possibility of the baby squirming down from the arms of the mother. Cassatt`s ability to capture was very clear in this print since babies are known to move very fast and are capable of changing their pose in a matter of seconds (Sweet 32).
Cassatt also contributes to the idea of prosperity of women in the society in her print: The Fitting, 1891. In this print, the audience is able to see the seamstress crouches over the woman`s stitching. The woman`s fabric is finely sewn and matched and she wears only a brown stripe which has a simple effect on the viewer. One is not able to see her hands and face. Both her features and the size and nape of her neck attract the viewer`s attention.
(Source: /collection/gallery/cassatt/cassatt-46729.html
Her feelings towards the place of a woman in the society is also seen in the Omnibus that was done in the 1890
(Source: /collection/gallery/cassatt/cassatt-46729.html)
In this particular work, the artist shifted from the private ...
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