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Annual D+D Design Competition: COVID Memorial Competition

Essay Instructions:

For this year’s competition, we are asking you to design a memorial that honors those from underrepresented populations who have been lost to COVID-19.



Group Number:


Please respond to the following questions. Use as much space as you need. Note that the entry form is a crucial component of your grade. Please thoughtfully and thoroughly complete it.


1.Describe your goals for this memorial.

2.On what design profession(s) are you focusing? (communication design, product design, architecture, urban design, or landscape/environmental design?

3.Describe the background research you conducted to develop this memorial. Include sources.

Specifically address the following:

a.What existing memorials did you research? How did they influence your proposal?

b.How has COVID impacted the underrepresented group for whom you are designing? Include statistics.

c.How have other historic health crises impacted the underrepresented group for whom you are designing? Include statistics.

d.Provide background information on your site. Does it have a significant history? How does the location of the site impact your proposal?

4.Your memorial proposal as a critical social act. To that end, what is the message in the memorial? How are you communicating that message? Why is your message important?

5.Is your memorial temporary or permanent? What led to that decision?

6.How does your proposal make a positive difference for people living or working near your site? In other words, how is your approach empowering people?

7.What are some of the complexities of your memorial proposal?

8.What are some other ways of interpreting your memorial proposal? Could it be misinterpreted? If so, how?

9.How do you hope that the memorial impacts your audience?

10.Did you experience any difficulties when developing your proposal? If so, please describe.

Evaluation Criteria:


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Annual D+D Design Competition: COVID Memorial Competition
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number
Annual D+D Design Competition: COVID Memorial Competition
Group Number:
Please respond to the following questions. Use as much space as you need. Note that the entry form is a crucial component of your grade. Please thoughtfully and thoroughly complete it.
1 Describe your goals for this memorial.
With the ravaging effects of the Coronavirus disease, many people lost their lives in their homes or hospitals while undergoing treatment. Additionally, there has not been any known treatment for the disease. Also, the virus has led to adversely significant economic impacts. The COVID memorial's goal is to remember many people and share the memory of people who had lost their lives due to the coronavirus disease pandemic. Besides remembering and sharing the memory of the minority group of people who had died of the disease, the COVID memorial will also encourage the entire public domain on the importance of adhering to public health measures. These public health measures have been put in place to curb the spread of coronavirus disease.
2 On what design profession(s) are you focusing? (communication design, product design, architecture, urban design, or landscape/environmental design?
On this COVID memorial, I am focusing on the communication design as the most appropriate design profession. The design will create effective public domain awareness. It is important to note that many underrepresented people have died because of the Coronavirus disease, yet people are not uninformed about this unfortunate fact (Tata Memorial Centre COVID-19 Working Group, 2020). This choice is critical in helping to reach various demographics and ensuring effective dissemination of relevant information about the memorial. Each category will represent under-represented people in the community with the highest mortality rate levels. The design professional will illustrate the pandemic situation that has rapidly changed the position from the onset to subsequent waves of the virus that has seen the world going on lockdown.
3 Describe the background research you conducted to develop this memorial. Include sources.
Specifically address the following:
1 What existing memorials did you research? How did they influence your proposal?
On the development of this memorial, there were different researches on memorials conducted. For example, the research that led to developing the COVID memorial considered previous memorial for the cemetery. Such memorials are common, and they allow using natural materials for typical occasions. Even so, doing the cemeteries memorials, different rules and regulations that supervise the cemetery must be complied with, in addition to the strict use of kerbstones. Consequently, the initial memorial research dubbed the memorials for churchyards to conduct and develop the COVID memorial. These two memorials impacted the development of the COVID memorial as they brought out different aspects and requirements needed in the development of the COVID memorial. For example, permission from relevant authorities is required to develop and erect a monument.
2 How has COVID impacted the underrepresented group for whom you are designing? Include statistics.
The minority group for which the COVID memorial has been erected has suffered the most significant blow because of the coronavirus disease. The impact that COVID-19 disease has caused to the people includes losing their daily livelihood by losing jobs. Additionally, 80 % of the people of color in the United States of America did not have enough income to include their hospital bills (DG Eichberg et al., 2020). Although most people in the United States of America have access to health insurance covers, close to 20 % percent of the minority group, have underlying health conditions. These underlying conditions have to lead to the death of so many minority groups of people in the United States of America. Additionally, a minority group in the United States of America relies on the government's response in combating the coronavirus disease, which has primarily been poor. This aspect has also seen most of the minority group either dying or being affected by the coronavirus disease.
3 How have other historic health crises impacted the underrepresented group for whom you are designing? Include statistics.
In the history of other crises, including wars and other outbreaks and pandemics, the poor and other underrepresented groups have suffered significantly. For example, during the measles outbreak, almost 40 percent of those who died of measles were mainly the poor and slaves who coul...
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