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Why Price's Super Bowl half time show is American's favorite show

Essay Instructions:

1. Please use Times New Roman font size 12 and write your details (single spaced)on the upper left corner of the essay. Do not tamper with the margins of the document!

2. If you have referenced any outside sources in your writing you MUST include parenthetical citations throughout the essay and provide a list of references at the end. •You are also required to cite any sources from the course that you include. Even though these sources have been provided for you, it is good to practice to credit sources of knowledge.•Any images, video links, or websites you use in your research should also be cited.

3. Dance studies analysis of a topic of your choice. This is a rather broad category and it includes any type of event, performance, or artistic product that you can apply a dance analysis lens onto. Some examples to give you a sense of what direction this could take include: -Protests / Mass movements -Influential music videos that include a strong performance / embodied-engagement component (think Beyoncé’s Lemonade, Super-Bowl half-time shows etc.) -Tik-tok trends where you either trace a trend through various videos, or track it’s roots to a cultural practice/ evaluate the significance of the spread if the trend has gone viral -Critical analysis of a genre / trend that you have participated in, or that just draws your interest (for instance Yoga, or Zumba and an examination of their cultural roots and potential traces of appropriation in the way they are practice nowadays) -The list can go on and on... If you are unsure about your topic or would like to brainstorm, feel free to attend office hours, or make an appointment.

4. If you choose to write about a topic of your choice some questions to consider include: •How can a dance studies lens be applied to this topic? •What do we have to gain by examining this example through a dance studies lens?•What seems to be the significance of the bodies in your chosen topic? (Think of the gestures, movements, practices and what meaning they convey)•How does your chosen example fit into the social, political, financial, cultural (etc.) context of its time. •What are the issues that your topic sheds light to and how are bodies part of that process?

5. You must use at least 4 sources that you plan to consult for your research paper. Out of these 4 sources, 2 need to be academic (either academic books, or scholarly journal articles) The sources need to follow a proper citation format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Super-Bowl Half Time Shows
Student’s Name
Super-Bowl Half Time Shows
Super-Bowl Half Time Show is the most phenomenal band America has ever witnessed. The show incorporated every aspect of culture, which is a significant entity in dance studies. The embodiment performance applied in the show usually reflects the psychology in performance. Over the decades, the super-Bowl show has proven to be the best show on the globe. Performance is very important on every set of music or theatrics. In this case, Super-Bowl shows are filled with artists who have exemplary dancing techniques. Dancing and body embodiment in the shows attract people for several reasons. Firstly, they motivate culture and identity amongst performers. The show has attracted great celebrities across the country; for instance, Beyonce, Madonna, Shakira, and late Michael Jackson are among artists who have performed in these shows. Legendary shows performed by great celebrities in the USA have made the Super-Bowl show outstanding (Clark, 2006). Time is important in every performance, and that is why under dance studies, performance has a direct influence on time. For instance, time does not matter as far as the performer has the right techniques and knows how to arouse the audience.
Most of these shows are packed to capacity since the management understands the target audience. Sensations that are accompanied by posture make the movements in the overall performance emotional. Most often, the objective of an artist is to play with the emotions of the audience. If a performer can control the emotions of audiences, they have high opportunities to drag them in the entire performance. As discussed earlier, embodiment performance integrates all factors of dancing, not just movements (David, Horton & German, 2008).
A performance list is an approach that is often applied in the Super-Bowl shows. Moreover, as far as the list and legendary artists are involved in selling the show, psychological dimensions play an integral role in connecting emotions and movements in the performances. Prince's performance stood out due to varied reasons. The shows reflect dancing choreography; in this case, a particular sect of the band is focused on instruments to draw the audience's attention. On the other hand, other performers are focused on dance moves to contain the excitement of the audience (David, Horton & German, 2008). The super-Bowl show reflects a lot of creativity in aligning the performance lists with respect to the needs of the audience. Notably, the matching of music and performance is very critical, and this is the reason why the show is all-time ranked high. Poses and movements in a dance promote confidence and self-esteem, which is vital in the show. Prince's show is always phenomenal, and it reflects art in its entirety (Clark, 2006).
The art also promotes culture; for example, different artists of varied genres are invited to perform on the show. Everyone is proud of identity, and most see music and dancing as a form of identification. Performance is the ultimate way in which the show promotes a culture in America. It is a process of appreciating everyone in the country hence making the show favorite. In every aspect of music, the audience should always come; first, the Snow-Bowl show understands its priorities. The primary priorities of the show are to present the best ...
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