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Visual & Performing Arts
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American popular song. Visual & Performing Arts Essay

Essay Instructions:

for this essay, please make sure you watch the following live concert performance that will take place at 4:00 PST on Nov.26, which is this thursday. Then follow the instruction to write a short paper and answer the questions that need to be addressed. Please write no less than 550 words. All the instructions are attached. Thank you!

here is the link of the live concert so you don't have to type it into your laptop.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
American Popular Song
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American Popular Song
On November 27, 2020, I joined an Allstar Benefit Concert, where the musicians were hosting the concerts online. Superstars and humanitarians collaborated to recognize Nurse Heroes with an all-start performance streamed globally on Thanksgiving, November. 26, 2020. The show aimed at donating funds schemes like bursaries for nurses and their children amid covid-19. It was prepared by Emilio Estafan, who attested that the reaction and support from the superstars for nurse heroes were remarkable and the many fans supporting them on social media. This concert's social background has a feature of public participation, which covers the objective of donating funds for scholarship programs for nurses to support them and their families. Additionally, people recognize the music's social value because the musicians' performances took place on empty halls and the concerts streamed on the web.
 Hracs (2015) describes live music as functions that bring performers and spectators together in a given place at a specific time and entail a concert on orals and other musical instruments. In the all-star show, the remote audience has used digital technology's capability to increase their enjoyment of the event through the positive comments made. There is a unique interaction between the musicians and the audience. This is because popular music has been a social element that enabled blacks and whites, and young people to interact, especially amid the covid-19 pandemic. The interaction among the musicians has the quality of i...
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