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Impacts of International finance on the United States

Essay Instructions:

This is an introductory essay for introduce the background and the history of international finance, you can write from aspects of the following and then you can find some other resources to support your opinions as well.

1. Introduce the history of Internation finance, the Impacts of International finance on the United States(ex. the dominance of the US dollar) and what your comment (Please see some details in the attachment but do not copy and paste from the PDF)

2. What’s Special about “International” Finance and what is its impact on global? Good or Risky? (I think it is half and half.) {Hint: Foreign Exchange Risk, Political Risk and Market Imperfection}

3. Briefly introduce the Mexican Peso Crisis, The Asian Currency Crisis, Global Financial Crisis2008-2009, and their impacts on local and global.

4.What lessons we should learn from these crisis.

5. Your opinions and comments.

The minimum words are 1,600

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History of International Finance
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History of International Finance
The phenomenon of international finance dates to pre-historic times when human race primarily relied on natural produce but travelled extensively to one region of the earth to other in search of better living conditions. These journeys allowed human race to interact with their fellows and a part of this interaction appeared in terms of exchange of valuable goods and services. This era relied on barter system as primary financial tool. Later, gold and silver was identified as currency and allowed standardization of values attached to goods and services. Traveling individuals and businesses started taking medium term approach towards preservation of value of their goods. Gold-based exchange system further evolved in classical gold standard; thus, initiating modern era of international finance.
The modern era of international finance has four distinct sub-parts. First of these, as discussed above, begins with prevalence of classical gold standard. This era witnessed a link between the prevailing currency within an economy and the amount of gold its government maintained. The second era, interwar period, points toward anarchy in the international markets, where countries deceptively varied values of their currencies to benefit from the export conditions in international markets. In 1944, the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference concluded in Bretton Woods Agreement that mitigated these deceitful practices. The Agreement urged the involved governments to peg their currencies’ value with gold while the US dollar will act as a reserve currency. The US government abolished this system and flexible exchange rate regime started in 1973. This regime prevails till now.
Classic Gold Standard
This era presented the start of modern monetary system in which paper currency gradually replaced the gold and silver media of money. This era started when banks started issuing notes, which were backed by species including gold, silver and other valuable minerals including copper coins. Soon governments joined this mechanism of issuing notes instead of species and a country-wide monetary system came in being in the UK. With time, other countries also adopted this system and it spread across continents into the Americas, Australia, and Asia. In this system, the gold, or silver or both, were given a fixed monetary value. By the start of twentieth century almost all countries in the world had become part of this system.
In theory, this standard proved most reliable and consistent in the history of international finance. The standard worked by giving a common ground to all the countries to match their currencies’ worth with each other (Miles, 2014). For example, a country which has strong exports will witness an increased inflow of cash in the form of gold. This inflow will enhance the lifestyle of local people and increase the national spending resulting in correction in increased money supply within the country. A deficit a country’s balance of payment will have reversing effects thus strengthening local production markets.
Free demand and supply driven value of a currency was the predominant criteria of the gold standard era. The commodities of gold, and silver in some cases, were expected to freely float in open market at the predetermined rate and governments should have no say in the export and import of these commodities. Limited interventions which were exercised by the governments included manipulation of gold points, or spread between purchase and sale value of gold; artificial purchase or sale of domestic assets; and interest rate manipulation.
In addition to influence of supply-demand conditions of money supply, the governments also used interest rates as tools to gauge the flow of funds within their countries. Higher interests rates were used as a tool to correct deficit of funds within the country by suppressing expenditure and investment. Furthermore, it adds to existing volume of fund within the country by attracting foreign funds in the form of investments.
Interwar Period
Classical Gold Standard worked best until the governments of participating countries started regulating values of their currencies to impact their exports. This start of intervention from respective governments paved way for the more chaotic interwar period. Lack of cooperation among governments was another factor that deteriorated this era’s performance and led the governments towards more sophisticated phases in history of international finance.
A provision in classical gold standard allowed the governments to suspend gold standard in presence of war and conflict. This suspension allowed governments to increase money supply to fund warfare activities. The same happened in World War I era when increased money supply resulted in increase in inflation. Although the end of war allowed the countries to return to gold standard the deteriorated economies of these countries prompted their governments to manipulate currency values to support export and enhance their economies at a cost to other countries.
In the pos-WWI era, the countries witnessed significant deviation in their currency value against underlying commodity. Further, the rehabilitation procedures used by the central banks of these countries resulted in contracting economy. Declining cooperat...
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