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Acquisition of Target Corporation by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: Business Acquisitions
Due Week 3 and worth 150 points
Use the Internet or Strayer Library to research two (2) publicly traded U.S. companies and download their financial statements. Assume that you are the CEO of one of the selected companies. You are responsible for gaining control over the other company. You have three (3) choices, any of which you believe that the Board of Directors will support.
Choice 1: Your company acquires 35% of the voting stock of the target company.
Choice 2: Your company acquires 51% of the voting stock of the target company.
Choice 3: Your company acquires 100% of the voting stock of the target company.

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:
Provide a brief background introduction on both the company that you are working for and the company that you are responsible for gaining control over.
Specify the overall manner in which the acquisition fits into your company’s strategic direction. Next, identify at least three (3) possible synergies that could occur as a result of the proposed acquisition.
Select two (2) out of the three (3) choices provided in the above scenario and analyze the key accounting requirements for each of the two (2) choices that you selected. Next, suggest one (1) strategy with which you would prepare the financial statements for your company after the acquisition under each of the two (2) choices.
Select the choice that you consider to be the most advantageous to your company. Explain to the Board of Directors at least three (3) reasons why your selected choice is the most advantageous to the company.
Assume that two (2) years after the acquisition, your Board of Directors wants to offer the shares back to the public in hopes of making a large profit. Assume that in each of the two (2) years your company and the target company have had the same reported net income as they did in the year of acquisition. Determine the type of value (i.e., cost of fair value) that you would use to report the subsidiary’s net asset in the subsidiary’s financial statements, which the company will distribute to the public with the public offering. Provide support for your rationale.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business acquisitions
Date Introduction The proposed acquisition is for Wal-Mart will take over Target, both are retailers, but Wal-Mart has increased its market share in the retail market at a time when e-commerce is popular in North America and other parts of the west. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (Wal-Mart) was funded in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas is the largest retailer in the US and the world and operates multiple store formats. The product portfolio is spread across the apparel, entertainment, groceries health, hard lines and home furnishing products. The retailer has adopted different store formats like the club stores, discount stores, neighborhood markets and supercenters. The company reported revenue of US$ 485,651 million during the fiscal year 2015 (2013) and US$ 500,343 million in 2018 (Yahoo Finance, 2019). The company's revenue grew 3.03% during 2015–2018. Wal-Mart sells products through e-commerce and the retailer site is . Target Corporation Target Corporation or Target was founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1902, as the Dayton Corporation when the first store was opened. Target grew and became the largest division of Dayton- Hudson Corporation with various department store chains and revenues were $ 2,618 million in 2015 and $71,879 in 2018 (Yahoo Finance). In 2000 the retailer was renamed as Target Corporation (TGT) and the company has opened stores in across the US and the website is .  Acquisition fits into your company’s strategic direction Wal-Mart will increase its presence in the store and online retailer market with a wider array of general merchandise in the strategic merchandise units. Targets operates nationwide, has more than 28 subsidiaries and 971 branches and as the discount chain in the US are Wal-Mart, the consolidated company will increase its presence and market share, where there would be greater emphasis on economies of scale and operational efficiency. The Super Target store has many grocery options, but targets more upscale customers and the combined company will report higher revenue and be more competitive. Synergies in retailer acquisition  In the acquisition, synergy reflects   the advantages of combining the organizations and getting added value than if they operated separately. To achieve a synergy, it is necessary to evaluate the business process of each organization and to identify the gaps that can affect operations in the in future interaction.   The businesses have different cultures, which influence how the employees interact, but there are cost, operational and revenue strategies. Cost synergies The company would achieve cost synergy when there would be lower costs of operating the business because of economies of scale and improved capability.  There would be no duplication of services resulting in lower overheads and fewer facilities for the consolidated business (Glaister, Lordofos & Boateng, 2016). Additionally, the company exercise bargaining power with the suppliers and increased purchasing power.  Operational synergies The company would improve the operational synergies by integrating the internal processes of creating client value and connecting the various operations areas of the consolidated company (Su & Wells, 2015).  The logistics can also improve efficiency than before to ease operations while accessing a larger customer base.   Revenue synergies A more effective consolidated company with a larger market share will generate more revenues than the two retailers operating separately. There will be sharing the logistics are distribution stem, increased comp...
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