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COSO’s Internal Control Integrated Framework Accounting, Finance Essay

Essay Instructions:

Read these articles before you begin the assignment:

The COSO Framework in Emerging Technology Environments: An Effective In-Class Exercise on Internal Control. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting.

COSO Internal Control – Integrated Framework: An Implementation Guide for the Healthcare Provider Industry.


Write a 4 page paper in which you:

1. Identify at least three of the five different 2013 framework elements that focus on internal control. Make sure that elements connected are related to financial reporting of the organization. Provide your rationale on the reasoning that the selected elements are tied to the financial reporting process in the organization.

2. Design a method in AIS where it can be integrated in the health care industry that will improve the efficiency of its operations.

3. Design a method in AIS where it can be integrated in the health care industry that will improve the communication of the chosen health care organization.

4. Use at least 3 quality resources in this assignment.

Draft a one-page recommendation at the end of the document directed to the CEO explaining the findings, recommendations, and benefits of installing an accounting information system. Make sure you are specific in your recommendations

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COSO’S Internal Control Integrated Framework
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COSO’S Internal Control Integrated Framework
The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) comprises representatives from the American Accounting Association, Financial Executive International, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Institute of Internal Auditors, and Institute Management Accountants. COSO was first developed in 1992, and changes were made in 2013 (Graham, 2015).  They created a model of establishing, assessing, and enhancing internal controls adopted as a generally accepted framework for assessing internal control and measuring its effectiveness. Internal control is a process designed by management and finance professionals to provide reasonable assurance on operational efficiency and effectiveness, financial reporting, and compliance with applicable legislation and laws.
The COSO Integrated Framework for Internal Control has five elements: control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information, and monitoring(Graham, 2015).  Internal Control over Financial Reporting are models that address any risks of misstatements in financial statements and reports. The following are connected with financial reporting.
1. The Control Environment
That entails a set of structures, standards, and processes that establishes the ground for implementing internal controls within the firm. The board and top management explains the importance of implementing internal control and expected policy and procedures. Senior management reinforces the board of directors' efforts and expectations at all organizational levels (Rubino et al., 2014). The control environment comprises ethical and integrity values, the board of directors’ parameters of undertaking oversight responsibilities, organizational structure, the process of retaining and attracting hardworking and competent professionals, performance measures, and accountability. The results of the control environment have an overall effect on the internal control system. The control environment is tied to financial reporting because the tone at the top in an organization adopts ethical decisions that are significant and reliable to financial reporting (Coyne et al., 2016). Proper controls ensure that the accountant's accountability and integrity in preparing financial statements discourage any misstatements, fraudulent activities, and creative accounting, generating accurate, reliable, and sound financial reports.
2. Risk Assessment
Risk is the possible occurrence of an event which can adversely affect the business. Every organization is faced with several risks that result from internal and external environments. Risk assessment identifies and mitigates risks to meet the organization's goals (Rubino et al., 2014). The chance of achieving those objectives is relative to risk tolerance; hence risk assessment is the prerequisite for determination of the best way to manage risks.
The risk assessment process covers financial reporting goals such as existence and occurrence, rights and obligation, integrity, disclosures, and assessment (Coyne et al., 2016). The assessment criteria are derived from a quantitative view, i.e., size of assets, sales, and profit before taxation. A qualitative view covers issues like standardizing transactions, changes against the previous years, degree of occurrence of errors and fraud, and degree of using estimates in preparing financial statements.
3. Control Activities
Control activities are the actions designed through standards, procedures, and policies to ensure that management's orders to mitigate risks are implemented and carried out. Control activities are done at all levels and stages of the organization's progressions and technological environment (Rubino et al., 2014). These activities are preventative and detective in nature and consist of automated actions such as verifications, authorizations and approvals, reviews of business performance, segregation of duties, and reconciliations. Such activities are necessary for financial reporting.
Financial reporting control activities are implemented for every crucial transaction cycle, i.e., claims, underwriting, payroll, financial statements, and treasury(Graham, 2015).  For example, when managing credits, the accounts receivable manager should prepare an aging schedule weekly, reviewed by the assistant credit controller. Debtors' accounts with issues should be investigated, and bad debts are written off where necessary but with the approval of the credit controller and chief accountant.
Q2. A method in AIS Which Can be Integrated into Health Care Industry to Improve Operations
Just-In-Time Method
This method in Accounting Information System is widely used in the manufacturing, transportation, and distribution industries. Those industries have an almost similar process to the health care industry, especially in supply chain and inventory control (Menon et al., 2002). Therefore, this method can be integrated into hospital systems. The technique will establish the right relationship between pharmaceutical suppliers, deliveries, and payments...
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