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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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ALPHA and AIS Integration Accounting, Finance, SPSS Essay

Essay Instructions:

The Malaysian agricultural industry is impressive. There are two internal forces of AIS change that occurred in ALPHA, namely, a new business model and corporate structure.

Read the following article before you begin the assignment:

Forces of Accounting Information System: Organizational Change and Governance of A Malaysian Agricultural Company.


Write a 3-page paper in which you:

1. Summarize the ALPHA and AIS integration.

2. Explain how the AIS application helped the Malaysian agricultural industry.

3. Describe how the ALPHA method can be applied to small agricultural organizations.

Use at least 3 quality resources in this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Alpha and AIS Integration
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Summary of the ALPHA and AIS integration
Organizational change is inevitable and aims to improve the performance and transform the culture for increased productivity, customer satisfaction, and revenues. The AIS integration article highlights the forces of change in an agricultural firm in Malaysia. Its findings can be used as educational resources to stimulate economic growth by influencing their organizational changes. The changes made in the company are remarkable as there are no other changes that have depicted significant economic impact in other nations. It illustrates a case study of a Malaysian agricultural company, principally an investment holding company (Muhammad et al., 2019). The ALPHA Company majors in oil palm plantations, related downstream processes such as sugar refining, trading, marketing and logistics, rubber processing, development, and research development in agribusiness. The company was convened in 2007 as a commercial arm to oversee market projections for the BETA group before it embarked on global enlargement into other countries. It expanded to other nations by acquiring foreign and local companies and investing in the designated countries (Dardak, 2015). The company engaged with countries involved in fatty acids, oil-based refineries, and other food-grade oil-refineries. Through joint investment in palm-oil refineries of agricultural produce such as soybean and canola crushing, the company has acquired some assets in Indonesia, South Africa, China, and Turkey.
In 2012, APHA was listed in Bursa Malaysia via the Initial Public Offspring (IPO) and had since taken over BETA’s entire business. BETA was previously under FAB management, which was established in 1995 as a BETA subsidiary (Muhammad et al., 2019). FAB’s roles included rationalizing business activities as a commercial land developer and assisting the settlers in replanting and managing the oil palm holding services. The management services include making terraces, harvesting palm oil crops, establishing crops, fertilizing, tending crops, and harvesting and transporting crops to FAB mills. The primary aim of ALPHA is to be a global leader in the agribusiness arena through diversification of agricultural activities.
How the AIS application helped the Malaysian agricultural industry
Agriculture holds the better part of the Malaysian economy and remains an important sector for its citizens. The agricultural industry plays a vital role in the food supply, creating employment and generating export products that earn many revenues. The application of the Accounting information system and governance in Malaysian agricultural systems led to an improved economy and sustainable growth, which has been transformed from a conventional and passive sector to a sector that focuses on the diversified m...
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