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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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Career Preparation for Accounting

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to help prepare you for a career in accounting.
First, begin by selecting one of the two career preparation activities listed below. Your selected event must take place during the current semester.

Conduct an interview with someone in the accounting or finance profession who works in an area in which you are interested. For example, if you are interested in auditing, interview an auditor. If you want to work for a nonprofit, interview a nonprofit accountant or CFO. Learn about their career, such as why they decided to work in that area, what they like and dislike about their work, what certifications they have and why, etc. Use the interview as an opportunity to learn more about the field you are studying in and wish to work in after graduation.

Conduct a mock interview with the Career Impact Center or an accounting professional who is able to critique your interview skills. Provide the date of the mock interview, the interviewer, and the questions asked. Summarize your experience from the mock interview, including how this experience will help you prepare for a career in accounting and help you obtain a position.

Then write a paper of 750 to 1,000 words that includes an explanation of your chosen career preparation activity, provides a summary of the interview questions used and applicable responses, and an explanation of the career preparation activity as it relates to your career path.

At least two external sources should be cited for either option.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Career Preparation Assignment
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Institutional Affiliations
Course Name and Number
Due Date
Career Preparation Assignment
Pursuing a career in accounting requires learners to remain prepared in diverse ways beyond the academic knowledge they acquire in the learning institutions. Like in many other professional fields, it takes one commitment, constant search for information, and out-of-class experiences to attain distinguished knowhow to compete in the corporate and other sectors after completing higher education. According to Katz (2019), working for profit-oriented organizations is different from nonprofit ones because of the subtle skills and expectations that accountants need to succeed in the latter. As a result, in this career preparation activity, I chose to interview a professional working in a nonprofit institution to learn about the various aspects of the niche that I should consider while preparing for a career in the sector. This interaction was transformative and career-shaping because it enabled me to acknowledge the dynamics of my coveted career path and recognize the fundamental skills and certifications that I need to acquire as I embark on this journey.
The nonprofit accountant interviewed in this activity works in a local organization within my county. Since finding an experienced individual online was challenging, I sought referrals from relatives leading to the recommendation regarding a renowned expert currently working in this position. The interview was relatively brief, lasting about 35 minutes. The primary questions covered include the query about the general overview of the career opportunities in the nonprofit for accountants, the reasons why she decided to practice in the area, and her likes and dislikes about working in her current role. The interview also enquired about the requisite certifications that one needs to acquire before being eligible for similar positions and the potential for growth in the sector.
The interviewee was very elaborate with her responses to each question. She was meticulous in her explanations, including providing contemporary examples and directing me to resourceful website links that can further assist me in gaining essential information about working in nonprofit settings as an accountant. For instance, she emphasized that training for professionals in her career is comparable to all other accountants despite some differences. Based on her responses, one should understand that the working environment differs. However, the principles of accounting operations are primarily comparable with minimal tweaks to suit the nonprofit goals and priorities. One point that stood out in this explanation was the emphasis that she found it less tasking to work in her current job, unlike in the for-profit sector. Since she had transitioned from the latter, she not...
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