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SEC Office of the Whistleblower

Essay Instructions:

Let’s assume you have been hired as the fraud manager for a privately-held company whose main business is administering the disposition of assets left in estates for wealthy individuals in accordance with their Last Wills and Testaments.  You have been asked by the audit committee to prepare an overall fraud prevention program for the business, including:

assisting the marketing department in preparing written materials for family members explaining how they can report suspected fraud in estate asset dispositions.

It is well known that family members don’t always get along while the disposition of assets in accordance with a Will is occurring.  It is an important service to the company’s clients that they know how to report potential fraud if they feel it may be occurring.

In responding to the questions related to this case, be sure to provide references for all sources you used.  Your answers to this case study should be 5 pages in total, including cover and reference pages.  The body of the paper, which must be at least 3 pages in length, should be double-spaced.  Make a copy of each question below and place the questions into the body of your paper in bold-type, so that we can both see that you have addressed each one of the questions in your submission.

Using private industry as a potential background for developing your fraud prevention and detection strategy, what type of external resource(s) would you recommend be established as soon as possible and included in the company’s marketing brochures as a value-added differentiating service with regards to reporting potential fraud that may be occurring in the asset disposition process?  Keep in mind, this is not a SEC or a Securities Act situation. 

Assume after implementing the external resource described in #1 above, it comes to your attention that Bob, a member of the Jones’ family, may be improperly benefitting from the disposition of his late Dad’s assets by selling certain assets for significantly less than fair market value before the formal auction of tangible assets.  Per other family members, Bob has been acting very strange since his Dad’s passing.  Large bags have appeared under his eyes, Bob has been very short and flown off the handle in just about every discussion or phone call with the other family members, and Bob is suddenly driving a brand-new Porsche after driving an old used Toyota for the last 15 years.

What steps would you start with to investigate this suspected fraud before interviewing either Bob or any of the family members?
After the first steps in your suspected fraud investigation are completed above, would you interview Bob?  Why or why not?
Describe in detail how you would conduct an admission-seeking interview with Bob.  Be specific.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

SEC Office of the Whistleblower: Case Study
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SEC Office of the Whistleblower: Case Study
Estate fraud is a common problem that impacts most families. It is the theft of the estate properties and assets (Clikeman, 2013). It involves removing a specific amount of money or assets in a large or small amount within a period without consent. Mostly, estate fraud lawsuits are considered for challenging the trust or estate. However, it becomes difficult to prove, making it necessary to consider a comprehensive interview. Estate fraud is a complex issue since it is difficult to physically identify unless a forensic audit is conducted. The paper addresses an example of fraud in a case study by recommending external resources, steps for investigating suspected fraud, and interviewing Bob, the major character in the case study.
Recommended External Resources
The recommended strategy is to crosscheck the client's portfolio to identify any key or abnormal documentation which amounts to the fraud. Besides, crosschecking all the assets is significant by preventing any useful information. However, a legal staff should be responsible for crosschecking the documents. Forensic accountants should establish. Forensic accounting is necessary for minimizing estate fraud by accounting, investigating, and auditing financial information without bias (Mashatan et al., 2021). Therefore, forensic accountants should interpret, analyze and summarize emerging financial and business information. Forensic accountants should work together to produce external resources and include them in the company's marketing brochures. Including the external resources would limit any possible potential fraud.
The group size is an element that the experts must establish in the brochures. Forensic and IT experts should publish such information after a comprehensive review of the estate accounts. The external team should also scale the group size and document specific resources such as trust agreements and wills. Lastly, the experts should document other resources, including emails and credit cards. Therefore, including all the explained information in the company's marketing brochures would limit potential fraud.
Implementing External Resources
Steps for Investigating Suspected Fraud and Interviewing Bob
Before commencing the investigation of the suspected members of the fraud, collecting and documenting specific copies such as codicil and will is necessary. Documents such as wills are essential since they can be used to identify any possible discrepancies (Clikeman, 2013). Any document that raises a red flag is essential to identify the possibility of fraud. After reviewing the documents, such as...
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