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Music - The Rite Of Spring By Stravinsky And Jazz Music

Research Paper Instructions:

Final Paper Assignment

Choose a topic from class that particularly interests you and relate it to a something in your life. This can be another genre of music or industry; something political, industrial or social in nature; something from pop culture; or anything else that you feel strongly relates to the material we have covered. An example might be: relating the themes of commedia dell’arte between “The Barber of Seville” and “The Simpsons”.

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Music - The Rite of Spring by Stravinsky and jazz music Name Course Date The classical dance, which had been common up to the mid-nineteenth century started to change and Igor Stravinsky included modify the classical ballet structure of the dance which could not be classified as modern or contemporary dance. Stravinsky incorporated new themes, such as the search for Russian identity and traditions, folklore, popular rites and legends. Like other of his early woks “The Rite of Spring” Stravinsky (1913) is marked by rhythm and orchestral color (Bullock, 2017). The premiere of the work with unusual rhythms caused controversy and Stravinsky focused on the ritual sacrifice of a young virgin chosen to celebrate spring dancing until her death. The Rite of Spring has inspired jazz musicians where there is emphasizing on improvising, integrating folk rhythms, primitivism and boundary bending elements. In the early 20th century, there was focus on new harmonic systems to replace tonality, new scales such as exotic, new rhythms, new sounds such as primitivism and futurism, new instruments such as percussion, and effects in western music. Jazz became the popular genre for which composers could integrate the new ideas into modern music, where imposition influenced compositions including jazz that can be performed with orchestrates and in symphonies. Because of the differences in tempo full jazz ensembles and revisions of the rite tend to be longer and do not necessarily sound like the contemporary classical. Stravinsky uses many pitches compared to jazz and in the jazz adaptation cutting out notes is common. The modernist music movement emerged in the late 19th century up to the 20th century, where there was more focus on objectivity and rational art. Modernism was based on the philosophical and aesthetic values ​​of modernism, whose main characteristics are the break with tradition and permanent innovation. Stravinsky opted for simple melodies using both history and his own inventions in the composition. Improvisation and individual sonority are the basis of jazz music in America, but the elements of jazz in Europe were mainly in the chamber music. Like the spring consecration jazz artists experiment with different some texts and arguments because they are willing to explore new approaches to composition. While there has been Jazz-classical crossover, this has at times been dilution by the jazz artists The Rite of Spring was revolutionary since it integrated complicated rhythms and dissonance that were not common in classical music. Similarly, in jazz, the strings can be harsh, and the Rite of Spring has been reworked, but is only in the last four decades that jazz musicians have tried a full jazz ensemble of the piece including keyboards, percussion, bass and flutes while also changing some of the chord sequences. The Rite is distinctive for sometimes having overlapping melodies. Some jazz musicians integrated the idea of primitivism in their artist work, highlighting the link of music to culture and especially African Americans. The Rite of Spring is linked to the idea of primitivism with rituals, paganism and sacrifice, where the dance and music was not readily accepted in Russia. The classic ballet composition integrated primitivism embedded within the Western classical practices (Bullock, 2017). In the African American art music, primitivism signifies connection to the past. However, jazz is considered modern music and there was tension between the genre being considered modern and integrating elements of primitivism. While jazz was created by African Americans it was mostly commercialized to the white audiences and integrated elements of European music. Stravinsky stayed and made compositions in France where primitivism was increasingly associated with authenticity. The aesthetic elements in jazz music that highlight primitivism then reemphasize that jazz is authenticity. The Rite of Spring highlights expression of emotions through dance as the chosen girl prepares to be sacrificed and the performance was different for integrating folk elements. Similarly, the quest for authenticity in jazz music was and is a recurring theme in the genre, even as improvisation is common. For the jazz musicians who have been inspired by Stravinsky integrating rhythm and dissonance is common in their works and folkloric rhythm in The Rite of Spring, makes the classic one ...
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