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News Article Review Paper 2

Essay Instructions:

502 News Article Review 1 Instructions


This week, you are required to submit brief essay, which discuss current news articles that demonstrate the interaction between economics and public policy. The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to evaluate current economic issues and decisions affecting public policy; thus, the news articles that you choose should address a situation in which economics in public policy were highlighted by the media. Your essays should be critical reviews of the news articles, meaning that you should discuss your own opinion regarding the articles rather than simply summarizing them.


Review is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET). Review the News Article Review Grading Rubric to improve the quality of your essays and be sure to adhere to all of the specific guidelines described below.


News Article Selection Guidelines

The articles or news stories that you choose should be:

  1. Found in a newspaper, on a news program, or from another reputable media source
  2. Published within the last month
  3. Clearly related to the field of public policy
  4. Clearly addressing economic issues.

Each News Article Review must cover different topics. Refrain from using follow-up pieces or multiple perspectives of the same topic. For example, if you find an article discussing paid sick leave for service workers in the state of Connecticut in the The New York Times, you cannot use a follow-up piece put out a few days later in the same paper or a different article in a different paper discussing the same topic.


Essay Guidelines

Each essay should be no less than half a page and no more than 1 full page double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. Submissions over 1 page will receive a reduction in points. In the essay, you must summarize the article in order to demonstrate your comprehension of the content. Additionally, you should identify key elements discussed in the article and relate those elements back to concepts discussed in the course. Discuss whether the situation described in the article implements any of the concepts discussed in the course or if there are possible ways that concepts from the course could be implemented.

At the end of the essay, provide the complete citation for the article (including the publication date). If possible, you should include the actual article either by pasting it at the end of the document or by providing a link to the article. Format the essay and citation in correct and current Turabian style.



1)     News Article that you chose

2)     Bandelj & Sowers, Economy and State (2010), chapters 3-5

3)     Barr, Economics of the Welfare State (2012), chapter 6

4)     Claar & Klay, Economics in Christian Perspective (2007), chapters 9-Epilogue



News Article CANNOT be on same-sex marriage or homosexuality.


PLEASE choose a News Article and let me know before writing on it with the website attached!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

News Article
The article by Josh Barro on the New York Times captures on of the democrats overlooked failures on the wage bill in reference to their political campaigns. In their 2014 campaign, the democrats were vouching for a raise of the minimum wage from $8.25 to come up to ten dollars. Their efforts have been relentless, even in areas where the republicans have blocked their move2. The move to raise the minimum wage is well paced and will have subtle influence on the economy and not just to the politicians and the political goals. As such if it goes through it will have some significant impacts on the electorates well in the future elections, which will be sour for the republicans.[. Josh Barro, 'What Democrats Don’T Get About The Minimum Wage', Nytimes.Com, last modified 2014, accessed November 12, 2014, /2014/11/06/upshot/what-democrats-dont-get-about-the-minimum-wage.html?_r=1&abt=0002&abg=1.] [. Alan Fram, 'Senate Republicans Block Democratic Push To Raise Minimum Wage | The Rundown | PBS Newshour', PBS Newshour, last modified 2014, accessed November 12, 2014, /newshour/rundown/senate-republicans-block-democratic-push-raise-minimum-wage/.]
Their approach to entire issue was foiled from the start. First, they placed advisory questions on the ballot boxes in a bid to get the voters to decide if they would really support the idea of a raise in the minimum wage. Part of the questions also enquired from the voters if they support the move to tax the millionaires and have that money pumped into the education and health sector. In this case, the ideas in the question are excellent, bu...
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