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Founders Analysis Paper: Leadership and Statesmanship

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instructions, PDF files, and grading rubric (uploaded) documents for this assignment very thoroughly and carefully. ONLY use the sources I asked for in the instructions document. Assignment not written according to instructions will need revision, possibly more than one. Do not plagiarize, whatsoever.


504: Founders Analysis Paper Instructions


Module/Week 1 provided an overview of biblical principles related to leadership, statesmanship, and government. In this module/week, you evaluate the lives, actions and decisions of key leaders in the American founding. In turn, this paper will require you to analyze those founders in light of the biblical principles discussed in Module/Week 1. It consists of 2 parts: 1) A summarization of biblical principles of government, leadership, and statesmanship relevant to founding a nation (1.5 pages); and 2) an application of those principles to the decisions and actions of George Washington and Patrick Henry (2.5 pages). These sections must be discussed in the order presented above and with appropriate headings. In Part 2, remember to provide specific evidence (i.e., actions taken and decisions made) to explain how these leaders demonstrated the various attributes and principles discussed in Part 1.


  • 4 FULL pages, not counting the title page or references page
  • 5 scholarly sources (sources are below under “Further Instructions on Sources”)
  • Citations from Newell and Vaughan (1997).


The grading rubric provides more specifics for the paper and each required section.


Further Instructions on Sources:

  1. 3 quotes/in-text citations from this book Vaughan, David. J. Give Me Liberty: The Uncompromising Statesmanship of Patrick Henry. Leaders in Action. Nashville: Cumberland House Publishing, 1997. The chapter you MUST have quotes/in-text citations from is call “The Life of Patrick Henry.” You can access majority of the chapter at this website, http://books(dot)google(dot)com/books?id=OJxE8hg1VB0C&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false. Next, you have to click on the down arrow on the top right side of the page that says “Front Covers.” Then you can click on “The Life of Patrick Henry” starting on page 25 – ending on page 81.
  2. 4 quotes/in-text citations from this book Newell, Terry. Statesmanship, Character, and Leadership in America. New York: Palgrave MacMillian, 2013. The Preface and Washing chapters has been provided for you – It is a PDF file (that I have uploaded) call “Newell_Preface&Washington.”
  3. 3 quotes/in-text citations from the PDF file “Biblical Principles of History and Government.” In this PDF file, go to the “Contents” page, and concentrate on “Book 1: Explanation of Principles.” ONLY concentrate on pages 10-70 for this assignment.
  4. 1 quote/in-text citation from PDF file: “Leadership and Statesmanship.”
  5. 1 appropriate biblical Scripture that go along with this assignment.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership and Statesmanship
Most citizens look forward to leaders that have the right qualities to elevate their country to the next level. Majority of the research indicate a decline in the level of confidence that citizens now have with reference to getting leaders that have the leadership qualities and the statesmanship that has so rarely been exhibited. A good majority of the founding fathers of the nations had these qualities more so the statesmanship trait, where leaders would be selfless in service to the people.
Thesis statement: Leadership and statesmanship are two different entities but they have played a subtle role in the establishment of the nation and the development of character for the founding fathers.
This means that; “God gifts people in different ways for different things…We just have to be obedient and we have to be obedient in real and practical ways (pg 4).”
Part A
Relative to the influence of Christianity on leadership, statesmanship and governance there are a number of biblical principles that leaders are gauged with. The first principle relates to the fact that God is the source of definitive power, truth and authority.
This means that; “If God has all authority, then we must act according to His authority. Just because we have the power (ability) to do something does not mean therefore that we have God's authority (or permission) to do it (pg 12).”
The book of Romans 13: 1 further states “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” This illuminates on the fact that authority comes from God.
As such the bible is taken to be the ultimate source of knowledge and commands that all man should follow. The other principle relates to practicing humility in governance. Leaders are encouraged to maintain the doctrine of humility as an acknowledgement that they respect God and His sovereignty.One other principle points to the fact that government and the officials should always act under the authority of God.Although they may have the power to do and make certain decisions, they must appreciate that God is the ultimate authority that give the permission to act. The fourth principle on the other hand states that the governments should be responsible to the truth. This relates to the fact that God is the truth and government officials should be keen to be accountable to God, observing what is true. With reference to justice, the government is supposed to be just and observing the right of the people. To maintain healthy social bonds, the government is supposed to the relationship while upholding accountability and mutual obligation to the people.A just government will strive to be self-governing, cautious of the constitution, rule by consent and has its powers separated. With reference to the church and the state, the two should be separate but the biblical principles should be kept.
Part B
Washington was one of the greatest leaders that America has ever seen and most of the citizens have since been searching for a leader that would match his abilities. Other than observing the biblical principles, he was also a statesman of his time governing the young country with selfless endeavors.In 1786, there was a rebellion that is commonly referred to as the Shay’s Rebellion. This was rebellion that was related to the Articles of Confederation, where the states were experiencing conflict amongst themselves with reference to the state laws and the federal laws. Washington believed in accountability, justice, support of the constitution and the obligation to the people. These are some of the characters that came out during the 1786 rebellion. In a letter to John Jay he stated his opinion on the situation, saying they under estimated the human nature and they should reconsider.
This aspect comes out under the related to rights of the people; “Certainly there are implications of protecting the liberty of its citizens, upholding fairness and impartiality in judicial proceedings (and in government in general), providing protection ag...
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