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503:Discussion Board - Political philosophy

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instructions and grading rubric (uploaded) documents for this assignment very thoroughly and carefully. ONLY use the sources I asked for in the instructions document. Assignment not written according to instructions will need revision, possibly more than one. Do not plagiarize, whatsoever. AGAIN, follow the prompt of this assignment very thoroughly; all questions MUST be answered, correctly and appropriately.

Discussion Board 3


Prompt: Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau addressed very similar questions, but developed very different philosophies and arrived at very different conclusions. Compare and contrast the most important political philosophy-related ideas of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau. How did these ideas impact political philosophy? How would you characterize the worldview(s) underlying these philosophies? Give at least 1 example each of 1 or more of the ideas of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau being reflected in modern American public policy. (*Basically for the last part of the prompt, 1 example of 1 or more of the ideas for each philosopher.)


Further Instructions on Sources to Complete Prompt:

  1. 4-5 quotes/in-text citation from chapters “Thomas Hobbes,” “John Locke,” and “Jean-Jacques Rousseau” from the book by Strauss, Leo and Joseph Cropsey. History of Political Philosophy. 3rd ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1987. (Chapters are in PDF file that I have uploaded)
  2. 1 quote/in-text citation from the PDF file (I will upload) call “The First Modern Theories of Government, the Social Contract.”
  3. Make sure to include 1-2 appropriate biblical Scriptures that go along with the prompt.


Further Instructions on Assignment:

Please follow instructions above and grading rubric very thoroughly and carefully. Make sure this assignment has an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.  Must be formatted in current Turabian style and include a bibliography. Make sure to include page numbers for quotes, paraphrase, etc. NO PLAGIARISM as I will check if it is OR not. DO NOT STRAY FROM WHAT THIS ASSIGNMENT IS ASKING; MAKE SURE TO COVER ALL AREAS BEING ASKED (ABOVE IN UNDERLINED). Remember, this is a graduate (Master’s) level assignment, so make sure that it is – Graduate level academic writing on this assignment is very important.


ONLY use the sources I’ve asked above.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Political philosophy
The theory of political contract (also known as social contract) as proposed by three scholars; Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau addressed the question of the legitimacy of a government’s authority over social status of individuals. Even though through different perspectives, the three scholars somewhat address a similar issue. The central argument of the social contract is that individuals, in order to get protection of other rights from an authority, have to surrender some of their freedoms and become a subject of the authority. One aspect of the social contract theory is the question of both natural and legal rights that one has. Locke and Hobbes believed in the existence of the two rights. They held that a government derives its powers and rights from the nature that we are in and is therefore limited.
In his argument, Locke states that “All government is limited in its powers and exists only by the consent of the governed (pg 476).” By this statement, Locke tries to justify his position that social relations are autonomous from relations deemed civil and are God given. In other words, acting according to how nature is set is acting morally.
“John Locke's contribution to Western political philosophy is almost completely in contradiction to Hobbes. Locke wished to demonstrate that religious liberty would not imperil the state; indeed, he argued that liberty in general is the best protection against tyranny that would otherwise make the state intolerable. (pg 2)”
His views are however differed by Hobbes who maintains that civil societies are responsible for making moral differences. He states that, Human behavior is to be understood primarily in terms of a mechanistic psychology of the passions (pg 398). Further on, he objectifies the concept of morality in terms of the references made by man for good and evil. He argues that the two terms are constructs by men for what pleases and what does not please them. Therefore, according to Hobbes, the goals and character of moral and political life should be determined by reference to nature, especially human nature (pg 398). This is to further say that according to Hobbes, the state which derives its laws from nature is an important step towards making what is right or wrong.
Rousseau seems to hold the view in accordance to Locke. He argues that man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains… that is man was born morally perfect (pg 559). Civil society enchains man and makes him a slave to law or other men (pg 559). By this he means that the civil society corrupt ones and alienates them with the virtuous state one is born in. this is highly contested by the bible that states in Romans 13:1, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” The same aspect is supported by the bible in Psalms 22: 28 which states, “For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.” Conversely, a civil society should present a morally upright human, just as is one at birth. However, the civil society is developed to help in the development of moral distinctions enforced by the government concerning other freedoms that are deemed impossible to alienate with humans. Hence, Rousseau argument is that the social contract is, like Locke argues is a will by the people to b...
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