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503: Discussion Board - Bentham and Marx

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instructions, PDF files, and grading rubric (uploaded) documents for this assignment very thoroughly and carefully. ONLY use the sources I asked for in the instructions document. Assignment not written according to instructions will need revision, possibly more than one. Do not plagiarize, whatsoever. AGAIN, follow the prompt of this assignment very thoroughly; all questions MUST be answered, correctly and appropriately.

Discussion Board 04


Prompt: Summarize the most important political philosophy-related ideas contributed by Bentham and Marx. How did these ideas impact political philosophy? How would you characterize the worldview(s) underlying these philosophies? Give at least 1 example of one or more of the ideas of Bentham and/or Marx being reflected in modern American public policy.


Further Instructions on Sources to Complete Prompt:

  1. 4-5 quotes/in-text citation from chapters “Jeremy Bentham” and “Karl Marx” from the book by Strauss, Leo and Joseph Cropsey. History of Political Philosophy. 3rd ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1987. (Chapters are in PDF file that I have uploaded)
  2. 1 quote/in-text citation from the PDF file (I will upload) call “Modern Secular Political Philosophy.”
  3. Make sure to include 1-2 appropriate biblical Scriptures that go along with the prompt.


Further Instructions on Assignment:

Please follow instructions above and grading rubric very thoroughly and carefully. Make sure this assignment has an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.  Must be formatted in current Turabian style and include a bibliography. Make sure to include page numbers for quotes, paraphrase, etc. NO PLAGIARISM as I will check if it is OR not. DO NOT STRAY FROM WHAT THIS ASSIGNMENT IS ASKING; MAKE SURE TO COVER ALL AREAS BEING ASKED (ABOVE IN UNDERLINED). Remember, this is a graduate (Master’s) level assignment, so make sure that it is – Graduate level academic writing on this assignment is very important.


ONLY use the sources I’ve asked above.



Do not leave quotes hanging – Make sure to go into detail/give an explanation. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

503: Discussion Board 04
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Both Bentham and Marx were social thinkers whose ideas gave clear representation of a true nature of human society. While Marx was a revolutionary communist, Bentham was an individualistic and liberal. This paper summarizes the most important political-related ideas contributed by Bentham and Marx. The paper also aims to understand how such ideas impact political philosophy and examine how ideas of these great philosophers are being reflected in modern public policy.
Bentham founded utilitarianism; a philosophical ideology that considers that an action is wrong or right depends on its good or bad consequences. He argues that all human beings are equal and, thus, should be treated as equals. Bentham believed that there is no special class of people suited to rule. He believed can government promote social reform, and without restriction of individuals’ freedom. His ideas helped to prevent affliction of suffering, promoted electoral reform and voting right. Bentham advocated justice and love to prevail in the society. Bentham’s utilitarianism principle can be found the Bible scripture. “In John 11:49-52, it is clear that Caiaphas proclaimed that it was better for one individual to die for the people rather than the entire country perished. This was a prophetic statement that Caiaphas claimed. It was God’s plan that for it to be better for one person dies for humanity. Jesus accepted to die for humanity for the whole world. This was the greatest love shown for humanity (John: 15-13). Bentham’s principle of utility (the greatest happiness principle) helped to reform legislation. He felt that the function of the law was to enhance the greatest happiness within the limitations of government. His ideas helped to bring reforms in prisons, civil service, and criminal law. His ideas led to a passage of bills that abolished physical punishment, slavery and also the death penalty.
Karl Marx views politics as a manifestation of the material world and economics. From the history of human beings, governance of humanity was strife between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. In the past, people traded, battered, and lived in communal lives. Then, historical development led to the ownership of personal property, development of capitalism and currency. Under capitalism system, workers were exploited at the expense of profiting the property owners. It was this period when workers unjustly sold their labors for le...
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