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504: Statesmanship and Reform analysis

Essay Instructions:

504: Statesmanship and Reform Analysis Paper Instructions 01



Thus far, this course has examined the decisions and actions of statesman who have been involved in the founding of a nation and leading it through crisis and disunity. This paper will require you to discuss the key statesmanship principles needed to reform a nation. It consists of two parts: 1) a summarization of biblical principles of government, leadership, and statesmanship relevant to fighting injustice (1–FULL page); and 2) and an application of those principles to the decisions and actions of Frederick Douglass, Susan B. Anthony, William Wilberforce, and Martin Luther King, Jr. (2-FULL pages). These sections must be discussed in the order presented above and with appropriate headings. In Part 2, remember to provide specific evidence (i.e., actions taken and decisions made) to explain how these leaders demonstrated the various attributes and principles discussed in Part 1.



  • 3-FULL pages, not including the title page or references page
  • 3–5 scholarly sources
  • Citations from Newell and Vaughan (2002) and relevant presentations


The grading rubric provides more specifics for the paper and each required section.



Further Instructions on Sources:

  1. 3-4 citations from this book “Vaughan, David. J. Vaughan, David. J. Statesman and Saint: The Principled Politics of William Wilberforce. Leaders in Action. Nashville: Cumberland House Publishing 2002.”  PDF file for book “Statesman and Saint”
  2. 3-4 citations from this book “Newell, Terry. Statesmanship, Character, and Leadership in America. New York: Palgrave MacMillian, 2013.” PDF filesfor book “Susan B. Anthony” and “King’s Letter from Brinmingham Jail”
  3. 1 citations “Frederick Douglass, Each for All, All for Each”
  4. “William Wilberforce, the Great Emancipator”
  5. 1 citaitons “William Wilberforce, “Christian Responsibility to Reform Society”
  6. “Susan B. Anthony, the Power of Perseverance”
  7. 2 appropriate biblical Scripture that go along with this assignment




Further Instructions on Assignment:

Please follow instructions above and grading rubric very thoroughly and carefully. Make sure this assignment has an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.  Make sure to include a proper thesis statement in the Introduction. Must be formatted in current Turabian style and include a bibliography. NO PLAGIARISM as I will check if it is OR not. DO NOT STRAY FROM WHAT THIS ASSIGNMENT IS ASKING; MAKE SURE TO COVER ALL AREAS BEING ASKED (MENTIONED ABOVE). Remember, this is a graduate (Master’s) level assignment, so make sure that it is – Graduate level academic writing on this assignment is very important.



Please use proper headings. The layout of this paper must be nice and neat, and has flow as well as good transitions from paragraph to paragraph. Pay careful attention to grammar/punctuation and sentence structures.


For all citations, you MUST provide the exact page numbers used in parenthesis. NO BLOCK quotes/citaitons. Also, for citations, don’t just purly quote the sources, but paraphrase and use them in your words. Write from your perspective as well. Guide your analysis in your own words. Citations cannot be left hanging – Must go further in detail.




ONLY use the sources I’ve asked above.


REMEMBER, this is analysis type paper. Be creative and think outside the box.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Statesmanship and Reform analysis
Course title:
Statesmanship and Reform analysis
Summarization of biblical principles of government, leadership, and statesmanship relevant to fighting injustice
Principle of non-violence: several biblical scriptures give emphasis on peace and are against violent or aggressive approaches. For instance, Psalms 34:15 states: look for peace and follow it. First Peter 3:9 says that people should not repay affront with affront or wickedness with wickedness, but with blessing (Grisez, 2013). In Romans verse 12 chapter 14, the scripture states that: bless the people who persecute you, curse them not. In Mathew 6:14, the Bible states that: if you forgive other people their trespasses, God would forgive you as well. In Romans 12:17-21, the scriptures say: do not repay malevolence with malevolence, be careful to do what everyone sees as right, and live peacefully with everybody (The Biblical Leader, 2012).
Principle of perseverance: in the book of Revelation 3:1, God commands people to always be persistent in accomplishing his vision. Hebrews 10: 36 states that people require endurance in order to receive the promise of God, and people should pursue love, faith, gentleness, and perseverance (The Biblical Leader, 2012). There are several reasons as to why leaders should persevere. Romans 5:3-5 points out that we are glad in our suffering since we know that suffering will produce endurance, endurance will in turn produce character, which is actually the core of any major leader. We can perfect and build our character by enduring trails. Character in turn produces hope. Revelations 2:10 says that: be faithful until death, and I will offer you a crown of life. Proverbs 24:16 says: a man who is righteous will fall 7 times, and rises another time (The Biblical Leader, 2012).
Principle of morality and mutual responsibility: in the Bible, Matthew 7: 12 states that whatever you would like other persons to do to you, you should do to them given that this is the law. Matthew 5:48 says that people must be perfect since God in heaven is perfect. Moreover, in 1 Corinthians 15:33, the scriptures say that people should not be cheated since bad company will ruin good morals (The Biblical Leader, 2012).
Application of the three principles by Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr., Susan Anthony, and William Wilberforce
Principle of non-violence: this principle is clearly manifested by Martin Luther King Jr. who formulated 6 principles of nonviolence. According to him, nonviolence: seeks not to defeat people, but injustice; is actually a way of life for people who are courageous; holds that people’s suffering is able to educate and change; seeks to win understanding as well as friendship; does not choose hate but love; and supposes that the world is for justice (Myers, 2014). Martin Luther King Jr. maintained that the non-violent resistance method was the strongest weapon that was available to persons who were tyrannized as they struggled for human dignity and freedom. As such, he always chose to pursue the path of non-violence. He believed that if they succumbed to the temptation of making use of violence during...
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