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The Proper Role Of The Citizen In American Public Policy?

Essay Instructions:

You have just graduated with your master’s degree from Liberty University, and you have been hired to work in the local district office of your US Congressman. As one of your first tasks, you have been asked to speak to a group of citizens from a local civics organization. The citizens are hoping to learn more about public policy and how they can get involved. Your Office Director asks you to write out your answers to three specific questions. He asks you to consult both course related material that you used at LU and outside research. Specifically, you have been asked to answer the following questions:

What is public policy?

What is the proper role of the citizen in American public policy?

What role does worldview play in the creation of public policy?

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Public policy
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What is a public policy?
Public policy refers to the actions guided by principles that are taken by the administrative members of the state in accordance with the law. The policies are the guiding rules for the citizens day to day life. In addition, the policies are often unwritten and govern the manner in which laws are made. The American public policy has played an important role in ensuring the well-being of all the citizens because it helps in the creation of laws that consider the social nature of human beings. Also, there are three types of public policies which include distributive policy, regulatory policy, and redistributive policy. Each of the policies governs a particular section of live and the citizens ought to obey and respect them.
What is the proper role of the citizen in American public policy?
The citizen is the main reason as to why the America Public Policy exists. Therefore, they play a huge part in its creation by guiding the items that will be included in the law. The American policy has been formulated in a manner in which it considers the well-being of all the American citizens (Dunn, 2015). Therefore, the opinions and recommendations of the citizens determine the course through which a particular law will follow during its formation. In addition, the citizen dictates the laws that require to be amended as a result of the current changes in the ways of life. Citizens needs to be involved in a country's decision-maki...
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