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Contribution of Sir William Blackstone on the War for Independence

Essay Instructions:

You will be required to draft 2 short research papers. The papers must each be 2 pages long (not including the title page and bibliography), in current Turabian format, with default margins and in 12-pt Times New Roman font. Your papers must include citations to adequate sources supporting and/or illustrating your positions. Your papers must include a title page and bibliography, also in current Turabian format.
Do not let the short length requirement of the papers mislead you. Concise writing is often more demanding than expansive writing. The goal of the papers is not merely to offer unfounded opinion or subjective discussion of the topics, but rather to provide a concise, well-reasoned analysis of the topics presented.
This is an open research project, meaning that you are expected to locate, use, and cite support outside of the course readings. Superficiality is a danger with this topic as it would be easy to write 2 pages without reaching the substance of the discussion. Better papers will demonstrate that you sufficiently pondered the ideas at issue to understand them, recognize them, and develop a well-reasoned approach to them.
Be sure to read closely the grading rubric for the assignment and note that at least 5 scholarly sources (peer-reviewed academic journal articles or books published by university presses) are required.
Scriptural excerpts with citations are required in all written assignments.
Short Research Paper 2
For Short Research Paper 2, answer the following questions:
'How did the writings of Blackstone influence American Political Philosophy, and what evidence for this influence is seen in Tocqueville's observations of American political life?'
Be sure to include some excerpts from the writings of Blackstone and Alexis De Tocqueville in the course text with references.
Also, include some excerpts from the writings of the American Founders, such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Federalist Papers.
Short Research Paper 2 is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 6.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Political Philosophy
One of the greatest sarcasm of American history is the contribution of Sir William Blackstone on the war for independence. He is most remembered for his commentaries on the laws of England, but at the same time, he was a participative member of parliament who fully supported the crown that is the leadership of King George and heavily criticized the colonists for what he claimed was disloyalty to the mother country. He put his final touches on his commentaries which unknown to him would play a significant role in ending the sovereignty of Britain over America. In his remarks, he suggested that they would be no taxation without representation. People living in the colonies were taxed by the king’s government but were not allowed any representation in parliament. This made the colonists feel that the king had violated the laws of nature that required people to have representation if they are going to be taxed. He also wrote about the right to protection whereby people have the right to defend themselves if they are attacked or the right to bear arms. This is evident where he states that ‘The fifth and last auxiliary right of the subject that I shall at present mention is that of having arms for their defense….’ the colonists had been denied the right to bear arms. This influenced the second amendment in the constitution of the United States that suggests that well-trained and guided militia are necessary for the protection of a free state, so the right for people to bear arms shall not be restricted. He also explained the concept of denying people the right to own property. To describe this, he relied on the laws of nature where he explained that owning property contributed to a person’s happiness and that denying them the right to be happy is denying them to be happy which is un-expectable.[Cairns, John W. and Grant Mcleod. "Thomas Craig, Sir Martin Wright, And Sir William Blackstone: The English Discovery Of Feudalism". The Journal of Legal History 21, no. 3 (2000): 54-66.] [Smith, William Raymond. "The Rhetoric Of The Declaration Of Independence". College English 26, no. 4 (1965): 306.]
Alexis DE Tocqueville arrived in the country in 1831 with the go...
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