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Events, And Results Of Either The Persian Or Peloponnese War

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Persian War
Rebellion from cities surrounding Persia was the main cause of the Persian War. In 546, Persians began conquering the small cities along the Anatolian Coast with the intent of expanding their territory. Darius chose to conquer the cities long the Anatolian Coast because they appeared vulnerable, thus making them open to attacks from other powerful countries. Another factor that fueled the Persian War was the external support the Anatolian Coast received from some of the Greek city-states, such as Eritrea and Athens (modern-day Greece). Research suggests that Darius was angry at Eritrea and Athens because they were supporting the city states with ships loaded with weapons.[Elizabeth Rogers, Jeffrey W. Smith, and Chris Murray, The Golden Age: Nostalgia in Word and Image (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016), 77.]
The support offered to the states along the Anatolian Coast was profound enough that it made Darius panic. Because Darius wanted to show that he is composed and ready for battle, he began invading Greece. Darius used an army of 25,000 men to launch his first attack on Greece. Arguably, attacking Greece was not a good idea because the Athenians fought back and won the battle, thus illustrating that Darius did not have a good plan for his quest. The catalytic agent for the first Persian War stemmed from a revolt by Greek Ionians, who felt treated unfairly by the Empire. Moreover, economic burdens were another cause for the Persian Wars.[Rogers, Smith, and Murray, The Golden Age: Nostalgia in Word and Image, 78.]
The Persian War consisted of various events as follows;
These were Greeks that lived along the Anatolian Coast (modern-day Turkey). The Persians conquered them, thus making them seek help from Athens and Eritrea. The Persians were angry with Athens and Eritrea and decided to conquer the other Greek cities so that they could have full control.
First Invasion of Greece
In 490 BC, King Darius decided t...
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