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Religion and civilization. Huntington. History Essay

Essay Instructions:

This being our first assignment, it will be relatively straight forward and more descriptive than argumentative in nature. Having read “The Clash of Civilizations” what you will need to do for this essay is to summarize the article. First, you will need to locate and describe Huntington’s main thesis clearly. You will then need to locate and describe all of Huntington’s sub-arguments which are used to support his main argument. Now, in order to properly assess Huntington’s argument I have assigned a very short article (2 pages) by David Brooks titled “Huntington’s Clash Revisited.” Take the paragraph before your concluding paragraph to discuss Brooks’ most salient criticisms of Huntington’s argument (where he thinks Huntington erred.) You can add a few your own words of assessment in that paragraph or in the conclusion.

I am not too worried about formatting and do not require you to include a bibliography as we are dealing with only two sources, but I do want you to use footnotes for citation in Turabian style and include page numbers (first reference to article or reviews has to be a full citation.)

Essay length should be between three and four pages.

Here are some guide lines to help keep you on track:

Locate the author's main argument. Summarize it as best as you can. This you will place in the introduction.

You will then want to give your reader a sense of how the author defines a civilization and the number and type of "civilizations" he sees the world being divided into. I recommend you do this in the first paragraph on the body.

Locate his individual proofs (his sub arguments) in support of his thesis. Summarize the content of each of these arguments.

Identify some of the issues with Huntington’s argument utilizing the Brooks short article.

Move on to your conclusion which is basically a restatement of the argument combined with your own assessment.

Read the material, including prompt, very carefully. Be sure to contact us early with any questions you might have so that we can help guide you. Recall you can ask for assistance from me and from your TA. Let me also urge you to use the history tutors’ services.

Rather than grading you on your original thesis statement in the Introduction, you will be graded on how well you have summarized and described Huntington’s main argument/thesis. You will then be graded on how well you describe each successive sub-argument presented by Huntington to support his main argument. Points will be deducted for each missed or badly explained sub-argument. You must clearly explain each of those sub-arguments and explain and how they connect/support his main argument. As always, quality of writing (grammar: spelling, word choice, syntax…) will affect the grade. We will certainly consider whether quote the article and cite it (in Turabian/Chicago style) as necessary.

If you are unfamiliar with the Turabian/Chicago style please refer to the guide provided by our library.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Author’s Name
Huntington states that the evolution of conflict in the modern world shall entail the conflict between civilizations. Global politics shall no longer be a war between nations rather various civilizations shall be in constant conflict. According to Huntington, civilization comprises of the cultural identity of a particular people’s group. Cultural uniqueness sets one village apart from another. However, he explains that the Westerners, Arabs, and Chinese do not belong to any culture rather they form part of civilization group. Hence, civilization can be termed as the highest level of civic identity. The characteristic of civilization may include the language, customs, religion, history and any other means of self-identification.[Huntington, Samuel P. "The clash of civilizations?." Foreign affairs (1993): 22]
Civilizations are not limited in number; they may involve a huge group of people or a small group. Large civilizations may sometimes be classified as a nation such as China. Several states may join in forming a civilization. As civilizations blend and overlap, he suggests that there might be the formation of other sub-civilizations. For example, the Westerners civilization is divided into North America and Europe. Civilizations might fade out in the course of time.
Huntington foresees the clashing of civilizations in the future. He highlights the major civilizations of the world as African civilization, Islamic, Japanese, Confucian, Latin America, Western and Slavic- Orthodox. The main cause of conflicts shall be in trying to separate the culturally shaped civilization identities. To begin with, he states that the civilizations are basic. Though conflicts may not be violent, there might be some strain in trying to separate the people from their culture. Different civilizations meeting might trigger some conflicts.[Huntington. "The clash of civilizations?." 25]
Globalization is the second cause of the clash among civilizations. The world is continually becoming like a small village. Some hostility might be built against an emerging civilization. Thirdly, there is a modernization among economies. The concept of a nation as an identity is weakened over time. Through religious identities often labeled as fundamentalists, there is an attempt to bridge the gap of lack of identity. Unsecularization of the world remains one cultural identity of the twenty-first-century generation.[Huntington. "The clash of civilizations?." 25]
The rise of the West in power has fueled the civilization consciousness. Different civilizations such as Islamic, African, and Asia get back into the reformation process to regain their identities away from the western civilization. Fifthly, the cultural characteristics are not easily changed. Culture can last for long in the same state. Asians cannot become Americans in a a cultural sense. Lastly, there is an increase in economic regionalism. Regional blocks are formed for trading. The implications of the formation of regional blocs may be a common civilization for trading efficacy.
Definition of a group of people under culture or religion creates animosity in us versus them mentality. One group of people easily identifies the weaknesses of another group on the lines of ethnic or religious attributes. The differences between the various groups manifest in the difference evidenced during the policy formulation, trading bl...
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