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The Push And Pull Factors In The U.S Between 1815 And 1860

Essay Instructions:

I would like to first of say that my initial paper written by you guys got me an 80 so I would prefer a different writer if possible. I realize you guys do not guarantee grades, but I really expected a higher grade considering I paid extra for it to be written by a "Top 10" writer. Paper is due 10/5 by midnight that night.

Guideline for Turabian citation http://libguides(dot)uta(dot)edu/history/help#s-lg-box-1633100

The source you will be using for the four primary citations citation http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/

This is an example of "Rule of Three" that they are talking about in the essay directions it is simply a thesis statement.

Rule of Three

You will need to use an analytical writing style in this class. The basic form of analytical writing utilizes the "Rule of Three." Simply, there should be at least three key points/pieces of evidence in a piece of writing introduced by a strong clear thesis.

Essays in this course are 2-3 pages in length. Your paper should begin with an Introduction which sets the prompt in the historical context, the LAST sentence of the intro paragraph is the thesis statement which lists the (minimum of) three points (X,Y,Z) that will be more fully developed in the paper. The first paragraph of the body (paragraph 2) would discuss key point X (this paragraph would have its own thesis as the first sentence, followed by a minimum of three pieces of evidence/analysis in support), then a paragraph on Y, and finally one on Z. An essay ends with a conclusion paragraph - which sums up the argument you made and ties X, Y, and Z together. The conclusion is NOT the place to introduce new arguments or evidence.

Essay Directions Below.


The final is comprised of one essay (approximately 3-4 pages). This is the equivalent of an in-class Blue Book examination in a Tuesday/Thursday class. It is open note, open book, and un-timed.

Along with each prompt, we have also given you 8 IDs/documents that should be used in answering the prompt. We will grade the essay based upon the logic and strength of your argument, inclusion of the IDs/document, organization of essay, grammar, and citations.

You should also use at least four primary documents as evidence


PROMPT: Between 1815 and 1860, there were many events/factors that served to either pull the country together or push it apart. In this essay, analyze these push-pull factors.

In your essay you should include at least 4 of the following IDs:

Western Expansion

National Party System

Market Revolution

Second Great Awakening

Women’s Suffrage



US-Mexican War

You must also use at least four primary documents (either posted in blackboard or in American Yawp) as evidence.

Essay Checklist

Be sure to:

Have a strong rule of three thesis statement

Use "Rule of Three" style

Use a minimum of 4 primary source documents as evidence

Use at least 4 IDs from the list above in your analysis

Have evidence/analysis from across the 1815-1860 time period

Discuss both uniting and dividing factors

Properly cite using footnotes in Turabian/Chicago style

Write 3-4 pages

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Push and Pull Factors in the U.S between 1815 and 1860
The United States of America has a rich history. It was a period that saw the population of the U.S grow rapidly as immigrants from Europe came in hoping for a better future. This coincided with industrial boom in the U.S on the way to making the country the fasted growing industrial nation. However, in the face of these developments, there were several events that threatened to pull the country apart or bring it together especially between 185 and 1860. In this essay, I argue that market revolution and the rise of religion and reform were the major events that pulled the country together while the sectional crisis did threaten to pull the country apart.
Market revolution is considered to be the major event that “remade” the U.S. It was characterized by a shift from regional and local markets to the national markets. It was during the market revolution that a commercial nation came into being. The revolution swept across the U.S, enabling people to work for a common goal. Whereas the revolution gave the people a sense of purpose, it did help to spur slavery. Over time, migrants from Europe started flowing into the U.S in large numbers, looking for a better life. Between 1820 and 1860, there were more than five million immigrants into the U.S. The immigrants were mainly from Europe. The revolution did help to reshape the lives of Americans leading to the civil war. People in the U.S were able to produce foods but most of it was for sale and not consumption NOTEREF _Ref526540138 \f \h 1. The economy of the U.S began to grow and there were a number of developments including better transport network and labor-saving technology. Whereas the market revolution did bring hopes of economic progress to the Americans, it did come with new problems such as increased slavery, child labor, and class conflict NOTEREF _Ref526540138 \f \h 1. However, for all the issues raised, market revolution did change the way of life for several Americans.[Douglass C. North, Economic Growth in the United States, 1790–1860 (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1961), 25.] [Broadman, Anthony E., and Michael P. Weber. "Economic growth and occupational mobility in 19th century urban America: a reappraisal." Journal of Social History 11, no. 1 (1977): 52-74.]
While the early century did come with immense changes in the U.S, the concern for people was how their morals will be able to hold to the challenges that came with these changes. In order to be able to manage these transformations, many Americans turned to social reforms and spiritual revivalism. This helped to reignite the protestant spirituality. There are a number of worshippers who traversed the U.S with an evangelism mission. This was the period known as the “Second Great Awakening”. The evangelists formed into groups that sought to bring back hope to the people by addressing the social wills with the objective of eradicating the moral vice that was prominent within the U.S NOTEREF _Ref526538510 \f \h 1. They addressed various issues including inequality against women, slavery, and alcoholism. These reformers worked hard to ensure that they could change the world around them and make it a better place. People in the U.S appreciated their efforts and gave them the support they needed in order to counter the negative ef...
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