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History 1301 Fall 2017: Trump And Monroe's Union Address

Essay Instructions:

History 1301 Fall 2017 – Critical Thinking Project

​In this paper, you will first examine two different State of the Union addresses from James Monroe (1817) and Donald Trump (2017). You will need to summarize each in your own words.

​Second, you will compare and contrast the addresses by examining what the issues were, the tone, and have things changed in the last 200 years.

​Third, you need to examine the political make-up of Congress when the addresses were given, i.e. party split in the Senate and House of Representatives (Democrats vs. Republicans vs. Independent).

Finally, using credible news sources tell me what they thought of the current address along with your thoughts and opinions on all the addresses. (Conservative, Liberal, and one other i.e. Libertarian, Green Party, Tea Party, etc.) You need three sources for Donald Trump.​

Format for written portion:

The paper should be double spaced in 12 point Times New Roman Font with 1 inch margins all the way around with a minimum of 1100 words (in the body this does not include cover page, footnotes or bibliography). You should include a cover page and a bibliography. Be sure to cite all the sources using footnotes and Turabian style format. You also need to use at least 8 valid credible sources (should end in .org, .edu, .gov, or use non-internet sources). You can use news sources such as cnn.com, foxnews.com, nytimes.com, etc. Wikipedia is not a valid source, neither is About.com, infloplease.com, or answers.com.

Here are a few internet sites to help you get started:

• James Monroe


• Donald Trump (2017)


Every paragraph should be cited by a source!!!!

Even if you paraphrase or reword something, you have to cite it. Include page numbers or paragraph numbers.

Plagiarism will result in a ZERO for the assignment!!

Due November 30 by 10 pm!!!

I will not accept late submissions

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Trump and Munroe’s Union Address
Summary of James Monroe Speech
The address was made on Tuesday, 4th March 1817 where the president thanked the electorates and promised to consult all the leaders in decision making to achieve development and economic growth. In the first paragraph, Monroe said that that his government had made radical improvements in the defense sector in case of future wars. The government was continually gaining strength as it was founded on the interests and affections of the people. In paragraph two he said that the government together with that of British had completed the process of reduction of naval force on the Lakes that were initiated by his predecessors. On the project, it was agreed that no party was to keep more than one vessel except on the upper lakes which were to have two vessels. Also, he stated that negotiations were still on between the British and the US government on the treaty of respecting the rights of US along the coast of Britishrovinces. In paragraph four, the president mentioned that the process of negotiation with the Spain government on settlement of boundaries was still on course. He assured that good relationships with other superpowers of Europe were to be upheld as mentioned in paragraph 12. He also expounded on internal matters of US, such as the program of increase for the navy support, support for the civil government and paying the interest on the public debt. He further said the government had plans of keeping an estimated amount of $6M in the treasury for the following year. He also encouraged unity among Americans and payment of taxes to enhance development programs1.[Gerhard Peters & Woolley John. "James Monroe First Annual message December 2, 1817." The Americans Presidency project, Florida, 2017.]
Summary of Donald Trump speech
The address was made on 20th Jan 2017. Donald Trump started by thanking all the parties involved in making the whole process a success, including the people of America. The president reminded Americans of their struggles and highly condemned the threats of insecurity. He said he had approaches on fighting insecurity threats at all costs as mentioned in paragraph one. The responsibility of passage of truth, liberty, and justice was still on course under his tenure as specified in paragraph two. The nation as mentioned in paragraph three was going to be more secure and free from its oppressors. In paragraph five, the president vowed that he was not going to allow the mistakes of previous decades to define the future of America.[Gerhard Peter and Wolley John. Donald J. Trump address before a joint session of the Congress. The American presidency project, Florida: Peter and Wolley, 2017]
In paragraph six, he said that the culture of defending the borders of other nations while ignoring America's interest was going to stop. He emphasized that he was going to listen to the demands of Americans by prioritizing their interests: "That America must put its citizen first,"2 (paragraph eight). He also mentioned that those industries that were almost collapsing were to be revived in his tenure as specified in paragraph nine. He also added that the American military was going to be given resources to strengthen it more as well as infrastructure improved through reviving of roads and pipeline. The president pointed out that the terrible drug epidemic was going to stop gradually. The neglected cities were to see a rebirth of hope, safety, and opportunity2.
He also assured Americans that the promises he made were to be fulfilled. According to Trump, over ten thousand new jobs had been created after he was sworn in by allowing investment by investors such as General Motors as highlighted in paragraph 11. In paragraph 12 he said that after taking office, the stock market gained $3 trillion in value and he saved taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars through lowering the prices of commodities. In paragraph 13, the president added that America was going to be a corruption free country as measures such as setting up of crime laws were already in operation. Non-beneficial partnerships were shunned by Trump and assured ...
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