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The emergence of economy based on commerce in the mid nineteenth century (market revolution).

Essay Instructions:

Paper is due 9/24/18 by midnight.

The textbook used in the course is a free online textbook found here http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/

The chapter that may help you is 8 The Market Revolution. There is also an area for primary sources found here

http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/reader.html and you can click on which chapter to look into and then find primary sources here. Thank you.


In this exercise you will use all the skills you have learned in the skills exercises to write a full length, rule of three, historical essay on the prompt below.

As a reminder, an analytical essay contains an introduction setting up the context (with a clear rule of three thesis statement as the last sentence), three paragraphs of the body (in the same format as the one paragraph assignment) - one for each key point in the thesis statement, and a conclusion.

The Essay Prompt

PROMPT: The context that had created and supported the Jeffersonian world view (that of the yeoman farmer as the bedrock of American democracy and the American economy) disappeared by the mid-nineteenth century, prompted by a shift toward an economy based on commerce, manufacturing, and larger scale agricultural endeavors. What is your best explanation for why this change took place? What impact did this change have upon the ethics and civics of what it meant to be an American? Be sure to consider change over time and geographical differences in your analysis.

Hint: Think broadly here as you scattershoot/concept map your essay before writing. What were the economic causes of this change (think about markets, productivity, trade policies, etc.)? What role did technological change play? Consider social causes (conflicts between groups, classes, races, genders), political causes (new voters, political parties, institutional leadership, etc.), government (state, federal, various branches), and expansion of the nation. Think also about intellectual changes (new ways of thinking, religion, and conceptions what it means to be an American and questions of ethics and civics) and changes in environment. You need not answer all of these questions in your essay, they are here to guide your thinking on the prompt.

Hint 2: Make sure that you integrate your discussion of Change over Time and Ethics/Civics throughout your analysis, not just in one paragraph. This means that Change over Time and Ethics/Civics WILL NOT be key points in your rule of three thesis statement.

Requirements for the Final Essay

Must be in Rule of Three format with a introduction and strong thesis statement, 3 paragraphs of the body (each with their own thesis statement - one for each of the three key points of your overall thesis), and conclusion. So a minimum of 5 paragraphs.

This is a fact based essay, you must provide specific and detailed evidence for your hypotheses.

You must utilize a minimum of three primary sources from the assigned materials as evidence in your essay

You must utilize a minimum of three secondary sources from the assigned materials as evidence in your essay

You may only use materials assigned in this course for your essay (we have vetted all the materials utilized in this course, other materials may not be appropriate or accurate)

DO NOT quote secondary sources

You may briefly quote a primary source (a phrase or a sentence) before immediately analyzing the relevance of the quote - a quote cannot stand alone as explanation or evidence

You must consider change over time in this essay

You must consider ethics/ethical decision making in this essay

You must consider change over time in this essay

Don't forget about geography, where something takes place matters and it may be important to your argument.

You must use Turabian citation style in this essay; all citations must be footnote style citations (no parenthetical cites allowed, no endnotes/works cited at the end, you need footnotes). Be sure to review how to properly cite a primary source that may be contained in another work and be sure to use page numbers where possible.

12 pt type, 1 inch margins, double-spaced


CITATIONS are REQUIRED for this essay. You will lose points for failure to cite or incorrect style of citations.

How the Assignment is Graded

The assignment is worth up to 200 points. The following factors are taken into account when we grade:

RULE OF THREE THESES - Do you have a well thought out and clear overall thesis in your introduction? Do you have a thesis statement for each of your three paragraphs of the body? Do the paragraphs of the body follow the overall thesis statement?

EVIDENCE - You must have solid evidence for each point you raise in the thesis. Evidence is not simply a statement, there must be an explanation of how that evidence supports the thesis statement.

Example: If you were writing a paragraph on the causes of the Cold War, you might use the Baruch Plan as an example. Simply writing "the Baruch Plan was a cause of the Cold War" in your paragraph would not be enough and would not be analytical. However, the following sentences do provide a good analysis of this piece of evidence:

"One cause of the Cold War was the failure of the United States and the Soviet Union to agree upon a plan for nuclear disarmament after World War 2. The Baruch Plan, presented by the US, would maintain the American atomic weapon advantage for the foreseeable future. This played into Stalin's suspicions of the Americans' true motivations toward the USSR."

Did you use the minimum number of primary sources? secondary sources?


Is your argument clear and does it make sense? Is it historically accurate? Does your evidence prove your point? Does your analysis answer the prompt? Have you considered change over time and geographic differences in your essay?


Have you properly cited? Have you used Turabian/Chicago? You must also FOOTNOTE. Parenthetical cites are NOT allowed.


Is the essay up to college standards for grammar and spelling? Is it an analytical essay? Does it meet minimum length and formatting requirements?

Grade Scale:

A = 180-200. Exceptional in all aspects noted above

B = 160-179. Above average in most of the aspects noted above

C = 140-159. Average work

D = 120-139. Below average work

F = 0-119 Unacceptable college level work or does not meet minimum requirements

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Emergence of Economy Based On Commerce in the Mid Nineteenth Century (Market Revolution)
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, people used to grow crops for subsistence use. However, as the years went by, this changed and farming became commercial. People could sell what they had produced in plenty to get money for purchasing what they did not have. This period marked a notable growth in barter trade. In addition, there was a rise in the living standards of people because they could earn a better living through trade as compared to the old days whereby people had to only depend on what they produced There was a remarkable market revolution. This revolution was caused by various factors such as economic, technological and social that resulted to these changes and in turn, having an impact on the civics and ethics of what it meant to be an American.[The American Yawp Reader. Accessed September 23, 2018. /reader/anti-catholic-cartoon/.]
The main cause of market revolution in the nineteenth century were economic factors such as new trade policies, improved productivity in industries and enlargement of markets. People realized the benefits that they could get from selling what they had in excess and using the money to buy what they did not have. Therefore, this called for the government to set certain trade policies to ensure that there was some level of regulation in the markets. Also, counterfeit bills were on the rise and, therefore, the Americans had to differentiate the genuine from the fake before banking. In addition, people had to identify the dishonest Americans to avoid falling into their traps of conning and fake bills. This means that the market revolution was facing a challenge of unethical practices, but people still kept on pushing forward. It is such enthusiasm that ensured the success in market revolutions. Being an American did not provide room for giving up in life.[Christians, Adam. "Captain Benjamin Bonneville and the Market Revolution: Redefining a Minor Character in America's Westward Expansion." (2016).]
Technological changes were taking effect in many sectors of the economy hence making it convenient for people to carry out trade activities. Among such changes where the transport and communication improvements that made it easy to transport goods and pass information. For instance, the invention of the steam engine was a great step in the world of transport. By the year 1830, a lot of steamboats were moving down and up most of the western rivers. This means that farmers had found a way of transporting their goods to other geographical areas that did not produce the same goods for sale. As well, roads were constructed to connect different geographical regions hence making it convenient to carry out a trade. Also, these changes in transport made it easy to communicate with other people hence effecting trade. Being an American required a person to work hard to live a good life and, therefore, the technological changes accelerated the ethics and civics surrounding hard work.[Blackburn, Robin. "The scope of accumulation and the reach of moral perception: Slavery, mar...
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