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Sexual perversion

Essay Instructions:
Please write an essay 1500 words on ONE of the question below. Please note that in each of the topics below you are expected to make reference to, and to discuss, the text by Halwani Prescribed texts The prescribed textbook is: Raja Halwani, Philosophy of Love, Sex, and Marriage: An Introduction, New York and London: Routledge, 2010. and at least 4 of the recommended readings that are indicated in the relevant topic in our study program.and additional academic high level material use oxford rferencing and please write me a very high standart essay careful with plagiarism as they detect it for sure , and perfect referencing if not they let me fail :( please do again your best i would like to work again with you . Kind regards Tanya attached please find the essay instruction from the lecturrer. this is Master uni level 1.What makes an activity or a desire sexual? 2.Are there any sexual activities or desires which are inherently perverted? And what does it mean to say that they are perverted? 3.Even if minority sexual practices are not immoral, they may still be unnatural. What could be meant by this? And should we disapprove of a practice because it is unnatural? 4.Is there an inherent or morally required connection between sex and love? 5.What is the virtue of temperance, and do you agree that it is the virtue of sex and sexual desire? 6.What does 'objectification' mean in the context of sexuality? And why might it be an ethical problem? 7.What, if anything, is wrong with prostitution? And what does 'wrong' mean here? 8.What, if anything, is wrong with masturbation? And what does 'wrong' mean here? 9.What, if anything, is wrong with pornography? And what does 'wrong' mean here? 10.What, if anything, is wrong with homosexuality? And what does 'wrong' mean here? 11.What, if anything, is wrong with adultery? And what does 'wrong' mean here? 12.Should the law permit polygamy? 13.Should governments continue to forbid same-sex marriage?
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Sexual perversion
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Sexual perversion
According to Nichols Margaret, sexual perversions are the conditions in which sexual orgasm or excitement is associated with imagery or acts that are considered abnormal within the culture. She added that the affected individual’s (pervert) sexual arousal and satisfaction depends upon a fantasy theme of an unusual object or situation, which becomes the principle focal point of his/her sexual behavior. This paper highlights the various sexual activities or desires that are inherently perverted.
Are there any sexual activities or desires which are inherently perverted? And what does it mean to say that they are perverted?
Many sexual activities and/or desires are inherently perverted, and such activities are usually condemned by the society with the exception of homosexuality, which is no longer readily condemned in recent times. According to Kristie Miller, ‘perversion’ describes the type of human behaviors that deviate from what is understood to be normal, and they are immoral acts. She continues that perversion is mostly used when describing sexual behaviors that are considered repulsive, obsessive or abnormal. Therefore, the adjective “perverted” is used to mean the sexual activities and/or desires that have been distorted or corrupted from their original course or meaning. The person who commits the sexually perverted act in most cases faces condemnation and disapproval, and that which is considered perverted is also seen as unnatural. According to Laneen Haniah, the most well known signs of sexual activities that are classified as perverted include the interference with normal social relationships, inability of resisting an impulse for the sexual act, legal consequences, the requirement of participation by under-aged persons or non-consenting individuals, and the resulting sexual dysfunction. She added that sexual perversion includes urges, fantasies and/or behaviors that incorporate nonhuman sexual objects, involving non-consenting partners or children, or require the humiliation or suffering of oneself or partner.  Although some sexual perversions are harmless, for instance voyeurism, many of them such as pedophilia are considered illegal, and one will be sentenced if found guilty as Roy Hazelwood and Stephen Michaud reported.
People’s opinions on the issue of sexually perverted acts are extremely divided, for instance some think masturbation is a perverted act while others do not think so. On the other hand, some think pedophilia is more perverted than bestiality while others think otherwise. Raja Halwani has pointed out several accounts on the issue of love and sex with regard to sexual perversion. There is the account of Roger Scruton who stated that sexual desire is not just aimed at itself, but also aimed at erotic love, and views any sexual perversion as an immoral act. Scruton added that the three essential elements of sexual feelings are arousal, desire and love all put together, and that perverted sexual acts lack the combination of these elements since the acts are mostly focused on sexual desire leaving out love. The goal of sexual desire is not just sex, but union with the sexual partner hence leading to sexual intimacy, pleasure and finally erotic love. He pointed out that all sexual acts that are separated from erotic love are perverted. Still on Raja Halwani’s text, there is the account of Robert Solomon, who observed that sex is the communication of a certain message between two persons, and that some attitudes such as trust and tenderness, passivity and domination are properly, expressed sexually. He added that sexual perversion is therefore, a communication breakdown. From the text, there is also Alan Goldman’s view on the subject. He views sex as a means to other separate ends such as love, procreation or communication, and sexual perversion as a morally neutral concept. He added that a perverted sexual desire refers to that which does not desire for physical contact with someone else’s body.
The common forms of sexual acts that are inherently perverted include exhibitionism, which involves the exposure of one’s sexual organs or genitals to a stranger as pointed out by Paul Scott. The exhibitionist for instance, might masturbate or fantasize about doing it whilst exposing himself, and might do so in order to upset or startle the observer. Exhibitionism may become the main sexual activity in the life of the affected individuals who rarely seek help on their own. The exhibitionists mostly receive professional assistance when the habit has brought them into conflict with the society or with their sexual partners. There is also fetishism as Paul Scott stated whereby strong sexual urges focus on the use of inanimate objects such as leather garments, female underwear, panties, bras, high-heeled shoes and bodily products such as odor or hair. The sexual fantasies towards the non-genital body parts such as the foot are also considered fetishism. In this inherently perverted sexual act, the fetishist obtains sexual excitement by holding, rubbing or smelling the fetish object while masturbating. Additionally, he/she gets sexual pleasure by asking his/her partner to wear the fetish object when they have sex. This kind of perversion is mostly in men, and the fetishist may be unable to have an erection without the presence of fetish objects. There is also Transvestic fetishism. In this inherently perverted sexual desire, an individual obtains sexual excitement by wearing clothing that are associated with people of the opposite gender or sex.
Sexual masochism is another inherently perverted sexual act. Wilhem Stekel stated that this is a condition, whereby a person desires physical or mental torture in order to obtain sexual gratification, and the individual would not get full sexual pleasure unless the required torture is done. The masochist fantasizes about being bound, beaten or made to suffer. Some of the methods involved include spanking, blindfolding as well as humiliation in the form of urination, defecation or being forced to imitate animals. The masochists might administer their own pain through pricking, choking or shocking. Pedophilia is also an inherently perverted sexual act as Carol Groneman pointed out because it is an unnatural sexual attraction. The pedophiles, usually men engage in sexual fantasies or activities with prepubescent children. Pedophiles can be attracted to both or either sexes and usually tell themselves that by doing so, they contribute to the child’s development or that the child enjoys the act. They tell those children not to report to their parents or the authorities.
Moreover, there is sexual sadism as pointed out by Rosewarne Lauren. This inherently perverted sexual act is when an individual administers pain, humiliation or suffering to another person, and by so doing, she/...
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